Re: WebID job offers

On 7/26/12 11:03 AM, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Kingsley Idehen 
> < <>> wrote:
>     On 7/26/12 10:38 AM, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
>         totally agreed!
>         we could create a drop box account, which would be included in
>         one of
>         existing virtuosos, so that people simply upload joboffers.
>         since i'm already working on a list of companies in the
>         semantic-web/linked data field i'm including any organization
>         that has a
>         job offer, so that people also see more linked data goodies. these
>         organizations would be sparql-able via SPARQL-SERVICE.
>         should we use oplli?
>     Yes, at least for now anyway.
>     Ontology URL: .
> How does that compare to ?

I don't know, but mapping them would be trivial, and that's what we will 
do, either way. Pretty much consider this mapping done in the next few 
days (if not sooner).

Rumi: please note the above as part of our ongoing OpenLink Schema 
mapping to etc..

> Steph.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Thursday, 26 July 2012 15:11:36 UTC