Re: WebID support for Node.js

On 1/20/12 11:10 AM, Henry Story wrote:
>>>>       On 20 Jan 2012, at 14:45, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>>>>       Hi,
>>>>>       This looks like a serious effort to provide WebID support
>>>>>       for Node.js:
>       So I took a bit of time off from what I was doing to read this
>       and found this very nice table below of a number of Javascript
>       libraries that do RDF.
> As it happens I am just working with the linked data rdflib and am 
> writing a little
> Foaf browser 
> <> purely 
> in javascript.
>       ( see )

Very nice !

>       JavaScript RDF lib
> There are a few RDF libraries (in pure JavaScript or wrappers to other 
> libs) available on the Internet. The following matrix shows RDF 
> support for the main libraries.
> JavaScript RDF library support
> 	RDFQuery <> 	RDF parser 
> <> 	rdfstore-js 
> <> 	LinkedData RDFLib 
> <> 	Rdf raptor 
> <>
> Last update 	2010 	2006 	2012 	2012 	2011
> Parse (and export) RDF/XML 	Yes 	Yes 	No 	Yes 	Yes
> Parse RDFa 	Yes 	Yes 	No 	Yes 	Yes
> Parse (and export) N3 (Turtle) 	Yes 	Yes 	Yes 	Yes 	Yes
> SparQL (1.0) support 	Yes 	No 	Yes 	Yes 	No
> Parallel execution 	No 	No 	*Yes* 	No 	Yes
> Requirement 	jQuery 	/ 	Node 	/ 	libraptor v1.4
>> On 20 Jan 2012, at 14:57, Henry Story wrote:
>>> Jonas posted this link on foaf-protocols.
>>> I have heard a lot about javascript WebId implementations recently.
>> For example this library by Antonia Garrote
>> Hopefully he can join our WebID Community Group
>> ( Community Groups are designed to be easy to join. So please
>> send feedback in case of issues (on a different thread)
>> )



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Received on Friday, 20 January 2012 16:51:19 UTC