Re: what are claims mirrors?

On 1/16/12 8:37 AM, Henry Story wrote:
> You are naming a person with a URL, and then tying that URL to a public key so that you can then link
> that person in a world wide web of trust.
If this is true, then can the spec clearly state that fact.

Yes, you can use a URL as a Name, and that approach makes it easier for 
people to grok Linked Data idiosyncrasies associated with using a URL as 
a Name re. choice of slash or hash.

At the current time, based on experiments with Jurgen, do at least 
mandate hash URIs or incorporate the 303 redirection rules for slash. 
Failing to do this simply introduces unexpected burned and ambiguity. 
Neither works for WebID adoption.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Monday, 16 January 2012 14:27:10 UTC