Re: good luck! its obviously a worthwhile endeavor

On 13 Jan 2012, at 18:59, Henry Story wrote:

> Well, 
>    all the best on your new endeavour. 
> When you come back, as I don't doubt you will,  you will need re-inscribe yourself on the Community Group list. We all will have to do that. Sometimes in the next few days. 

I should add also that this is perfect timing. Leaving on Friday the 13 of the 2012 furthermore!

> 	Henry
> On 13 Jan 2012, at 18:33, Peter Williams wrote:
>> I hope nobody says Im slacking if I go a day early, but I have some new [paid] goals (Microsoft CRM Online). And, I've also got a new personal mission - go beyond CRM and get my lot to use the actual semantic web, in 3-5 years time when its matured yet more with the security model full and complete - to where even we get to use it directly. Hopefully, the various Microsoft frameworks will be up to speed by then, and doing the heavy lift for us - as usual.
>> Its time for the new community group to come into being, and for me in particular to get out of the way so others with security knowhow can flower, as they will.
>> Henry, pull the levers that be; remove me from this list, and all other formal and official associations. I've long since lost passwords to do it myself. Use the power of the chair to make me disappear. And do so, wisely.
>> It was fun. As things creep over on foaf-protocols, I'll look in once in a while. 
> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Friday, 13 January 2012 18:39:59 UTC