Re: Matter of DN and what's possible

On 1/9/12 4:27 PM, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
> henry, it's slightly different,
> i fixed a bug, that my NoRSAPublicKeyFoundException was NOT thrown,
> in case of no statements about the claimed webID were found (a white screen was shown)
> i'm using HttpURLConnection that sends #s to nowhere :) and i didn't have any problem with hashes ever.
> sample :
> 1. in the cert there is the claim "" (please notice that this is sea.=>  rdf<= and not the famous sea.jsp#j example)
> 2. look at the source of the above mentioned uri, there is NO statement about "" but only about "".
> when validating, we need to retrieve statements about the claim, only in the above example there are none.
> so this has nothing to do with sending or not-sending #, but it's simply about the fact there is nothing about the claim in the retrieved document,
> in such a case now the NoRSAPublicKeyFoundException is correctly thrown.
> to me it's quite clear what kingsley intends (i think at least, please correct me if i'm wrong) :
> a distinction between the location of the WebIDClaim and the claim itself. i personally think we're doing it anyway
> with the hashes, but it's not that clear, because the location and the claim look very similar.


You've made my day!

> when you say i'm using the webidClaim then you ARE saying TWO things : first, where to find
> the webIDClaim (@ and second, what subject to look for @ the mentioned location (=
> and i think he is referring to the possibilities that open up when this is not limited to hash-uris.


> wkr j
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Henry Story"<>
> To: "Jürgen Jakobitsch"<>
> Cc: "Kingsley Idehen"<>,
> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 10:03:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Matter of DN and what's possible
> On 9 Jan 2012, at 19:53, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
>> hi,
>> just a short in-between-question :
>> are we talking about something like the bug i fixed today (see one of my last mails)
>> with this example-uri :
>> webIDClaim (in the cert):
>> where the location of document is @ but there are only statements about,
>> in which case i could verify the claim, if i had two fields in the cert, the location of the document and resource which is
>> to be verified?
> No, that bug was nicely fixed by your server removing the # from the URL as per HTTP spec.
> What Kingsely wants to do is still not clear.
> Henry
>> wkr j
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Kingsley Idehen"<>
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 7:42:27 PM
>> Subject: Re: Matter of DN and what's possible
>> On 1/9/12 1:35 PM, Henry Story wrote:
>>> Ok. So now you have two URLs where before we had one. That is why the previous talk about URIs being a luxury does not make sense. Your solution requires more of them.
>>>>>>> And if it is a URL then why is that not just the place of a WebID then?
>>>>> Because you will ultimately quibble about its complexity.
>>> Why, I have always supported multiple SANs in the certificate. No issue there.
>>   One point re. the above. Imagine the following scenario:
>> I have a sparql construct URL as my address (and compacted using a
>> shortener), and a HTTP URI based Name as the subject Name. Both URIs
>> placed in SAN of my x.509 cert. Would your verifier work? Do you deem
>> this acceptable re. WebID spec as it currently stands?
>> Note: the SPARQL URL resolves to a description graph. The other URI is
>> the Subject described by said graph.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen 
>> Founder&   CEO
>> OpenLink Software
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>> --
>> | Jürgen Jakobitsch,
>> | Software Developer
>> | Semantic Web Company GmbH
>> | Mariahilfer Straße 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
>> | A - 1070 Wien, Austria
>> | Mob +43 676 62 12 710 | Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22
>> |
>> | web   :
>> | foaf  :
>> | skype : jakobitsch-punkt
> Social Web Architect



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Monday, 9 January 2012 21:38:20 UTC