Re: Matter of DN and what's possible

On 9 Jan 2012, at 19:42, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

> On 1/9/12 1:35 PM, Henry Story wrote:
>> Ok. So now you have two URLs where before we had one. That is why the previous talk about URIs being a luxury does not make sense. Your solution requires more of them.
>>>> >>  And if it is a URL then why is that not just the place of a WebID then?
>>> >  >  Because you will ultimately quibble about its complexity.
>> Why, I have always supported multiple SANs in the certificate. No issue there.
> One point re. the above. Imagine the following scenario:
> I have a sparql construct URL as my address (and compacted using a shortener),

what is returned by that URL? Do I have to know that your implementation of the way of returning a response has anything to do with SPARQL? 

> and a HTTP URI based Name as the subject Name.

ok, and what would that return on being dereferences?

> Both URIs placed in SAN of my x.509 cert. Would your verifier work?

Depends completely on what those documents contain. Your examples a completely underspecified. Please fill in the gaps.

> Do you deem this acceptable re. WebID spec as it currently stands?

I don't have enough information to be able to see how this is either a problem or not with the spec.

> Note: the SPARQL URL resolves to a description graph. The other URI is the Subject described by said graph.

Well which ones would satisfy the SPARQL query described in the spec



PREFIX xsd: <>
   ?webid :key [
      :modulus ?mod;
      :exponent ?exp;
   ] .

> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen	
> Founder&  CEO
> OpenLink Software
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Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 9 January 2012 21:14:02 UTC