I have incorporated Mischa's suggested fixes
As can be seen in the latest editor's draft
On 14 Dec 2011, at 02:33, Mischa Tuffield wrote:
> The three fragments of RDF could all be interpreted to be slightly different.
> 1. In the RDF/XML and the Turtle all of the foaf:Person IRIs are set explicitly to : https://bob.example/profile. But this is not the case in the RDFa, there is it dependant on the location of the html document. I would prefer all of them to be baseIRI dependant (like the RDFa). Regardless of the fixed adopted i think consistency is the way forward.
> You could either
> a) change in the Turtle s;/bob:me/<#me>/ and from the bob @prefix
> or
> b) change the RDFa to be s/"#me"/"https://bob.example/profile#me"/
> b) is probably an easier fix, but a) seems neater.
> 2. In the RDFa the foaf:name "bob" inherits a language tag. I don't like language tagged names, they don't feel right. And plus there no language tag in the Turtle or the RDF/XML.
> You could add a xml:lang="" to the foaf:name span
> 3. Turtle consists of 9 triples, rdf/xml of 8, and the rdfa has 7 triples.
> Missing triples are basically foaf:weblog from the rdf/xml, and foaf:weblog along with rdf:label
Social Web Architect