from April 2012 by thread

WebID and Tor Henry Story (Monday, 30 April)

WebID, Linked Data and Commerce Henry Story (Monday, 30 April)

EU-regulation on privacy Henry Story (Wednesday, 25 April)

URI IRL Sarven Capadisli (Monday, 23 April)

Login at Natanael Arndt (Monday, 23 April)

Shell Script to generate WebID Nicholas Humfrey (Friday, 20 April)

Releasing MyProfile (early alpha). Andrei Sambra (Friday, 20 April)

list of relying parties Dominique Guardiola (Friday, 20 April)

Create Client Certificate Natanael Arndt (Thursday, 19 April)

LF fact-check on WebID paper Michael Hackett (Tuesday, 17 April)

fyi, at OAuth : Web Finger vs. Simple Web Discovery Danny Ayers (Friday, 13 April)

Philosophy of the Social Web talk given at the Institut Télécom in Paris Henry Story (Friday, 13 April)

Pat Hayes at PhiloWeb in Paris this Saturday Henry Story (Thursday, 12 April)

reminder: webid teleconf this afternoon Henry Story (Tuesday, 10 April)

Transitive Trust SSL/TLS Interception Proxies and Transitive Trust Henry Story (Wednesday, 4 April)

Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2012 21:10:52 UTC