Re: Draft Web Identithy Working Group Charter for Discussion

Harry Halpin is trying to put together a Web Identity Working Group, for which he put together the following charter.

It wants to cover the following aspects

  • Cryptography API
  • Web Identity Sync
  • Identity API

Currently this proposal make no mention of WebID. When I asked Harry on the mailing list - a reasonably quiet list - he gave the the very dubious reason that  this was an agreement reached in California at the meeting where none of our group attended in person. Then when pushed he argued that WebID is too tied to certificates. Here is my response in that thread

In short it seems BrowserId uses certificates just as much just in a different format. WebID has an API that could work just as well in combination or unified with browserid. 

 Excluding WebID from that work seems arbitrary. What should we do? Harry proposed that some proposals be made on the charter.


On 18 Oct 2011, at 19:53, Harry Halpin wrote:

> Everyone,
> While its still not fully baked, we'd like to open the discussion on the
> list over this draft charter for a "Web Identity" Working Group:
> Everything is fair game - I'm not quite comfortable even with the Working
> Group name. Also, there are issues of how we should scope this, whether or
> not we should split the work into two WGs (one for a Crypto API and
> another for a higher-level identity API and hooks for device/browser-aware
> authentication) or stick it in one WG - and of course relations to other
> standards bodies.
> Also, if any of you are near Silicon Valley we can discuss this in person
> at the W3C Technical Plenary on Nov 1st. I'll send that email out in one
> sec..
> And if anyone is at Internet Identity Workshop I'm here to discuss the
> charter.
>  cheers,
>        harry

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 20:53:55 UTC