Ok. I have it working as HTML5 for most browsers by following the explanation here
The only browser that does not seem to work now is Opera. Is there something I am doing
wrong there?
Also if someone knows a way to give the video a button so it can be viewed full screen, that would be nice.
On 25 May 2011, at 17:07, László Török wrote:
> http://html5boilerplate.com/
> should get you going. It's an HTML5 boilerplate template with all the browser hacks included
> just download the documented or the stripped version
> hope it helps,
> Las
> 2011/5/25 Henry Story <henry.story@bblfish.net>
> So we put another very nice video together showing how one can use WebID with a crypto stick to go into
> an internet café and login to foaf.me's shout page.
> It is the second video here:
> http://bblfish.net/blog/2011/05/25/
> Can anyone help me understand how I can get the html5 right? I does not show on my laptop in the browser.
> Henry
> Social Web Architect
> http://bblfish.net/
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> --
> László Török
> Skype: laczoka2000
> Twitter: @laczoka
Social Web Architect