Agenda for WebID Teleconf, Tuesday 22 March 2011

Moving Meeting to Tuesday 22 March, as Harry tells me that on Monday
he is discussing Berlin at another W3C conf. Is this ok?

AGENDA Teleconference
W3C WebID Interest Group telephone conference 2011-03-22
*15:00-16:00 UTC* 
*11:00am-12:00pm EST (Boston Time)
*16:00am-17:00pm Paris Time
Local time:

Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
Conference code: 93243 (spells "WEBID")
IRC channel : #webid on W3C

Chair: Henry Story (a.k.a bblfish )
Scribe: to be decided

1. Admin

 Agreeing to last reports

2. Introduction

 Of any new members.

3. Review of Face 2 Face Meeting organisation

   Harry Halpin tells me that on Monday 21 there should be a decision at W3C on Berlin.

4.  Deliverables

   - review of discussion over the past weeks
     + company and telecom proxies with WebID
     + freedom box

  - spec changes

  - reports on deliverables

Received on Friday, 18 March 2011 15:01:45 UTC