Re: Browser ID

On 15 July 2011 18:46, Ben Adida <> wrote:
> On 7/15/11 1:47 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Remember, WebID is URI rather than HTTP URI based. It too works fine
>> with mailto: scheme URIs.
> Sure, but that doesn't solve the problem we're trying to solve.
> We see web sites asking for email addresses. Even after you do OpenID, they
> want an email address. We see users understanding quite well that emails
> represent personas. They have their work email, and their home email.
> So, we want to build a protocol where web sites *always* get a valid email
> address. Not a URI that could be an email address.

Nice work Ben, but...

Ok, email seems fine as a lowest common denominator, but that does
seem rather to neglect the huge advantage that the Web offers - a HTTP
URI can effectively provide any information you like (including email
address in, say, a FOAF or XFN profile).

So far I've barely glanced at the docs, but I get the impression that
the email address will be passed around in a little bundle of JSON. So
while using URIs (including mailto:) would strike me as the neatest
approach, would it hurt to add another field for a profile URI?

Whatever, some kind of convergence/compatibility between BrowserID and
WebID seems very desirable.



Received on Friday, 15 July 2011 22:54:04 UTC