WebID-ISSUE-15: Native browser-based WebID-only certificate display

WebID-ISSUE-15: Native browser-based WebID-only certificate display


Raised by: Stéphane Corlosquet
On product: 

Issue raised by Manu Sporny at https://github.com/webid-community/webid-spec/issues#issue/3

When connecting to a WebID capable website, we need to understand how to display purely WebID-only certificates. This is an issue in corporate and university environments where client-side certificates are provided that could be selected when logging into WebID websites.

The usability concern is that people might select the wrong certificate when connecting with a service, or that they don't have a WebID certificate, but are given the certificate selection prompt anyway (which would be very confusing to someone that doesn't know about certificates).

We need to understand if there is a way to specify that only WebID certificates are requested on a WebID-capable website. If there is a way to do this, we need to settle on a naming convention or certificate authority name/chain that makes this possible.

Received on Monday, 31 January 2011 16:51:03 UTC