- From: Peter Williams <home_pw@msn.com>
- Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 06:06:43 -0800
- To: <public-xg-webid@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <SNT143-w37296BAA4CBE151FB274FC92E10@phx.gbl>
Its not an impressive writeup. But, it releases tension. I hoping at 20, W3C is mature enough to join the crypto space, which is very political and more than a few hundred years old. My feeling is that this organization will be a useful addition, at this social juncture - having navigated web politics and more importantly having succeeded to evolve the *form* of the debate so the users of the web could find means of evolving themselves. It has something to teach (very scalable politics), and some technology to add (semweb). > To: public-xg-webid@w3.org > From: sysbot+tracker@w3.org > Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 07:30:45 +0000 > Subject: WebID-ISSUE-6 (bblfish): using ASN.1 formats for WebID description [WebID Spec] > > > WebID-ISSUE-6 (bblfish): using ASN.1 formats for WebID description [WebID Spec] > > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/issues/6 > > Raised by: Henry Story > On product: WebID Spec > > There may be some reason to allow ASN.1 based representation > at the WebID Profile Document, in addition to the RDFa, RDF/XML, and other > representations in section 2.3 of the current spec > > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/ED-spec-20110121/ > > Some things that would be required: > > 1. To have a format that allows multiple keys in the file > (so a user can have multiple certs, one for each browser) > 2. A format that is widely used by many tools. PEM is. > 3. A way to add metadata from that file to richer versions of > the file. A seeAlso to other documents such as the RDFa > (that's html marked up with RDF) representation of the profile document > [ ie: a <link rel="alternate" in Atom lingo ] or another access controlled file > where more information is available [ a seeAlso link of some type] > This could be put in the document or in the header of the returned document > though putting it in the header would be a lot better given that one would > want things to be as transparent as possible. (setting headers can be difficult) > 4. the semantics of such a file format. There is no GRDDL for > ASN.1 yet, and so this would require some work > > So instead of an RDFa Profile Page an HTTP GET on the WebID could return > something like the following file, which contains two certificates in PEM format > with the same WebID: > > [ for info on PEM see > http://serverfault.com/questions/9708/what-is-a-pem-file-and-how-does-it-differ-from-other-openssl-generated-key-file-f > http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1421 ] > > > ✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄ > > > -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- > MIIDkjCCAvugAwIBAgIQTNDvJII8IoLQAqZOZUIrOTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBj > MREwDwYDVQQKDAhGT0FGK1NTTDEmMCQGA1UECwwdVGhlIENvbW11bml0eSBvZiBT > ZWxmIFNpZ25lcnMxJjAkBgNVBAMMHU5vdCBhIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9y > aXR5MB4XDTExMDEyMzE3MzU0NFoXDTEyMDEyMzE5MzU0NFowgZYxETAPBgNVBAoM > CEZPQUYrU1NMMSYwJAYDVQQLDB1UaGUgQ29tbXVuaXR5IE9mIFNlbGYgU2lnbmVy > czE7MDkGCgmSJomT8ixkAQEMK2h0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODA4MC91c2VyL2Fk > bWluL3Byb2ZpbGUjbWUxHDAaBgNVBAMME0FkbWluQGNsZXJlenphLnRlc3QwggEi > MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDxtw9nBcjSyvBMCmuzcjBJB/NK > T9+1u8MYvRZ27wjihFgvlC7X6kaVga0GFMw8qrw/kl3OaXgjaATn+6uWx+5Dd1DP > HTtlybJjw1iYr2ztF7uOH8D9zLQDvBvcueb3jbxd0rB8J1REuFn8FoPSTcFKR6MP > 37UzaQ6wfr3tjhZfTefTLLPM15ltX9zTPRRhVnAOLiGo0GsRZgIMUSJ7dvnrnYBg > 471HqkBUuXJaoAJgmRk6f192Lu33zJHVJhyRFNPBfIkKFSCg+Zvsd7xwtrliHzGm > /a8YLHpGMRATF18o8fuzQ0LCVZLfYVRYTvUfL69momgVj13eaRH6AmkH2SKXAgMB > AAGjgY4wgYswDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAuwwEQYJYIZIAYb4 > QgEBBAQDAgWgMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQrDFGH8V/Xa9xzp5R3il/EO+zynTA5BgNVHREB > Af8ELzAthitodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjgwODAvdXNlci9hZG1pbi9wcm9maWxl > I21lMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAKjbuZdkFChvIXTBuUWcKoGa7FZlv9Ki6QVj > 3mgqGlwu3dbOmXH/RIpNW4SbQzt3Kf2ws6rL9AkCw25J38/3qRIhy5W8xbFKX5nu > nwaVUKPIWjlviP+D+K0/e7ubLh5mQwLtmn6L+h/dMYPDL25RFx0tOmvhe7Lgfvr9 > myw6bTre > -----END CERTIFICATE----- > -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- > MIIDjjCCAvegAwIBAgIQcHZnHdBU1rYrA2KUrJHnATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBj > MREwDwYDVQQKDAhGT0FGK1NTTDEmMCQGA1UECwwdVGhlIENvbW11bml0eSBvZiBT > ZWxmIFNpZ25lcnMxJjAkBgNVBAMMHU5vdCBhIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9y > aXR5MB4XDTExMDEyNDA5MjczOVoXDTEyMDEyNDExMjczOVowgZIxETAPBgNVBAoM > CEZPQUYrU1NMMSYwJAYDVQQLDB1UaGUgQ29tbXVuaXR5IE9mIFNlbGYgU2lnbmVy > czE7MDkGCgmSJomT8ixkAQEMK2h0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODA4MC91c2VyL2Fk > bWluL3Byb2ZpbGUjbWUxGDAWBgNVBAMMD0FkbWluIEBjbGVyZXp6YTCCASIwDQYJ > KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAL9Co45yE8pfs1jA4S7k+2vo33VEb02F > fqC0WCZEp+tRNQpF8jep3pT3hTqiN9nnJTDVrV9TYJifhLuVy9oj8YyZK7s3al07 > BGGFR1KaywbCcZ3nm7mYDrxaedSkhQXkP99AtjOsUD5LGQvQMgM0/FwosrdcNhU1 > b3wg/y6kzxfK4L/Ie/SjNiBZ7toBtjO1f9Tfx/UhGgVBJeSB+JJLXm+J3VDu3vLX > d5MdiISlRSQyILSCMH/Oazdk40oYTKHIBM/sYy0FXIDzDikx1QG8jC46t0zWFGQN > oHN7JAd3Pe0N+engqO6KaRry2DcfUObPmGZ2GOCmnlkbFwH2Wm7aT+sCAwEAAaOB > jjCBizAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIC7DARBglghkgBhvhCAQEE > BAMCBaAwHQYDVR0OBBYEFAo+wVGHvD8FYxRMQhu5FdYxOAqXMDkGA1UdEQEB/wQv > MC2GK2h0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODA4MC91c2VyL2FkbWluL3Byb2ZpbGUjbWUw > DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEALp0V2VDiK6375s9xv11oSIvfLzk4x+ajYv9ElIFi > KAzWaEEjMnW0B8FdfpjRtqcV7NT8/5I6nGkJxGDxsHFcqG1xWtsK1uQRmImnIUZv > gpYBqUmc2FMpqXzPbHXrK8XuL71DBXmfmxGciVfWvOvui4QrthYp4GY9JmdNMUIo > hzg= > -----END CERTIFICATE----- > ✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯✄ > > > This could perhaps help developers, especially those with a lot of experience > with security standards, tools like openssl, and others get to be familiar > with the basic principle of WebID, without them needing to learn any > semantic web tools. The people who understand these formats may > be very influential in getting things started, since it is to them that most > business people will go when they need answer to a security question. > > Mom and pops users would of course never go close such files, and no > company with a support department would ever want them to. Users > want their WebID to land them on a page with pictures and human > readable text, with forms they can edit. They want to be able to > change their picture with a point and click form. > > But that is not a problem. A security expert, call him Peter, can go > and start by placing a PEM file at the WebID. If he is careful with > making WebIDs that can work with future content management > then any client that requests the WebID with > > Accept: application/x-pem-file > > will receive the PEM file, even if later Peter decides he can have > more fun with HTML5 marked up with RDFa. He need not > even abandon his PEM files when he makes the switch. > Clients that would rather have HTML will send out GET requests > with something like the following header > > Accept: text/html;q=0.8, application/x-pem-file;q=0.3 > > and if Peter's server has only pem the pem will be returned, but if it > has html the html will be returned. (This is known as content negotiation) > > There are many reasons to have more flexible formats that ASN.1 formats: > - they are human readable > - keys can be compared much more easily > - new relations can be added easily (ASN.1 requires one to ask for new OIDs > at some central committee, somewhere) > - formats like html suppor FORMS > > The flexibility of RDF or XML based formats can be very useful. They could allow > browsers to fetch the graph from the WebID found in any of the X.509 certs that > were created by the user, in order to improve the cert selector by filling it up with > information from the graph: say the picture or logo of the user, his name, sex, ... > I can also imagine the browser showing the user which cert he is using on each > site and giving him a link to his PersonalProfile (WebID). Clicking this > he could edit all his information. > > This is quite feasible in the current protocol. It's just a question if people want > to work on the language of the text, implement it, test it, and support it. > > > Henry > > >
Received on Friday, 28 January 2011 14:08:44 UTC