Re: Introduction and WebID

On 28 Jan 2011, at 01:03, Cosimo Streppone wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just joined the WebID group!


> I'm Cosimo, web developer, have been working for Opera Software
> for a few years now, on the My Opera community, and later on
> authentication APIs, the Opera OAuth provider and single sign on
> system.
> For a few months I'll be based in Melbourne, which makes it
> difficult for me to join teleconferences, so I couldn't introduce
> myself there. Apologies.

Yes, ideed that would put our next teleconf at 4am in the morning 
for you.

It looks like the only time that can make Paris, San Francisco and
Melbourne happy is 7-8am or 8-9am Melbourne time, which would be 
12-1pm or 1pm to 2pm San Francisco time, and 9-10 or 10 to 11 Paris 

So perhaps we should seek a meeting time around those hours 
for the week of the 14th. If we can work out how many Australian and
San Fransiscan's we have, and we have enough this could be 
worth investigating. In any case we need to get more people from
the bay area on board, if only to talk to Google engineers on SSL.

> I've been following the mailing list with interest.
> However, I've seen many things mentioned which I have no
> idea of (Webfinger, for example).

> What is a good place to start getting up to speed?

You need to tell us more. Knowledge is a web as Willard Van Orman
Quine put it in 1970 [1], so that there never is one place to start.
I have a few videos you can look at on my home page:

Note the third slideshow is quite long and you can get the slides
with the text that I read and listen to that with audio. That goes
from philosophy down to detailed examples. It also has many pointers.

> I will start reading the full spec documents,
> but what I'm ideally looking for here is a basic
> overview.

Those should provide some basic overviews. Hopefully we'll
put some even better examples together soon.

> --
> Cosimo

[1] "Web of Beliefs" by Quine and J.S. Ullian
    (I have not read this, but now I am interested)


Social Web Architect

Received on Friday, 28 January 2011 00:52:47 UTC