RE: Minutes, Boston f2f meeting 25 - 26 Jan


I've been asking for the WCL-XG final report [1] to be made public for
months, yet it has been password protected up to now. Now, I'm unable to
access the file at all as the page no longer exists. Can you please ask the
W3C to reinstate the page and remove the password as I have a number of
resources pointing to this page.

Can you also inform us when you expect to have the final OK from the W3C
regarding the Charter to move forward with a Full Recommendation? 

I'm very disappointed that we put so much effort into the W3C's first ever
incubator project to help accelerate the introduction of a new
standard/recommendation, yet it appears to be taking such a long time to get
the OK for us to even *start*. If it continues to drag we're going to pull
our support and take it where it will put to good use.


Many thanks

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Behalf Of Phil Archer
> Sent: 06 February 2007 11:03
> To:
> Cc: 'Dan Brickley'; 'Cedric Kiss'
> Subject: Re: Minutes, Boston f2f meeting 25 - 26 Jan
> Paul Walsh, Segala wrote:
> > When's the new system starting Phil?
> If and when W3C decides that it should. That _could_ be as soon as this
> week, it could be later, and yes, it could be decided not to go any
> further. The jury is still out.
> >
> > We appear to have steamed through the XG and now we've hit a brick wall.
> > me it almost defeats the purpose of having an XG - i.e. to accelerate
> > process.
> The process is going as fast as it can. Honestly...
> Phil.
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