When: Montag, 19. September 2011 16:00-17:00 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna.
Where: Phone conference
Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.
Dear all,
the agenda for our last XG concall is located at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/usdl/wiki/2011-09-22_Regular_Concall. In short, it goes about the XG Report, the past and the future of USDL. Dial-in details are below.
Best Regards,
Participant Passcode: 654 985 8852
Dial in numbers:
Australia +61 2 9009 0688
Austria +43 1 2530 21750
Belgium +32 2 404 0657
Canada +1 514 669 5883
Czech Republic +420 228 882 890
Denmark +45 32 71 16 49
Estonia +372 622 6444
Finland +358 9 2310 1631
France +33 1 70 70 17 77
Germany +49 69 2222 10764
Greece +30 21 1181 3805
India +91 80 6127 5055
Ireland +353 1 247 6192
Israel +972 3 763 0750
Italy +39 06 4523 6623
Japan +81 3 4560 1261
Netherlands +31 20 716 8291
Norway +47 21 50 27 61
Poland +48 22 212 0699
Portugal +351 21 781 0275
Spain +34 91 769 9443
Sweden +46 8 5033 6514
Switzerland +41 43 456 9248
UK +44 20 3364 5639
USA +1 646 434 0499
Dr. Kay Kadner
Senior Researcher I Chair of W3C USDL XG I SAP Research Dresden
SAP AG I SAP Research I Chemnitzer Str. 48 I 01187 Dresden I Germany
T +49 351 4811-6127 I F +49 6227 78-44576 I M +49 172 4639220 I mailto:kay.kadner@sap.com
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