Promote USDL at the Data and Service Integration Workshop

Dear USDL XG members,

the XG is over, the report is finalized, but there are still things to do to form the working group. I had a chat today with guys from W3C, which organize a workshop about Data and Service Integration at MITRE in Bedford, MA, USA ( This workshop is important for creating connections and exchange about USDL. SAP is going to present a paper about USDL there, but to really foster the need for and interest in standardization, USDL should have a presentation by more than just one company. Therefore, I encourage you all - and especially big players like Siemens and HP - to contribute to the workshop and spread the word about USDL so that we can create a proper foundation for standardization at W3C. I appreciate that you notify me if you do.

Thanks & Best regards,

Dr. Kay Kadner
Senior Researcher   I   Chair of W3C USDL XG   I   SAP Research Dresden
SAP AG   I   SAP Research   I   Chemnitzer Str. 48   I   01187 Dresden   I   Germany

T +49 351 4811-6127   I   F +49 6227 78-44576   I   M +49 172 4639220   I

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Received on Monday, 10 October 2011 15:57:15 UTC