W3C USDL XG Regular Concall

When: Montag, 2. Mai 2011 16:00-17:00 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna.
Where: Phone conference

Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.


Dear all,
the agenda for this call can be found at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/usdl/wiki/2011-05-02_Regular_Concall . The call will be dedicated to preparing the AC Rep-Meeting that I’m going to attend, since it is likely that I will meet a couple of important people from W3C and other companies. It would be great if we could streamline positions & next steps regarding variant management, aligment with semantic WebServices, Linked Data, etc. Therefore, we appreciate if colleagues with experience in this area could join (eg., Gunther, Dieter, etc.).
Best Regards,

Dear Members and potential users of USDL,
This is just to inform you that our biweekly concall is generally open for all from now on. Dialin information can be found below.
Best Regards,
Kay Kadner
Dear Members and interested people of the USDL Incubator Group,
I kindly invite you all to this public conference call. The call will be dedicated to inform about details of USDL, the XGs project plan, related work, and give you the chance to ask questions about anything else you like to know about USDL and the XG. The actual topics pretty much depend on your demands. This a good opportunity to get involved, since this call usually is for members only. Please use the dial-in information below. If I missed the local number for your country, just approach me.
I am looking forward to a lively discussion. If you have any feedback in advance, do not hesitate to contact me.
Best Regards,
Kay Kadner

Participant pass code:  6533560918 Dial in numbers:
Germany, Frankfurt:     +49 69 71044 5497
Australia, Sydney       +61 2 8223 9948
USA, New York:  +1 212 999 6675
Canada, Montreal:       +1 514 315 7878
France, Paris:          +33 (0)1 70 99 43 40
Greece, Athens:         +30 210 969 6487
UK, London:             +44 20 7153 9921
Finland, Helsinki:      +358 9 2319 3954
Austria, Vienna:        +43 2 68220 59207

Dr. Kay Kadner
Senior Researcher   I   Chair of W3C USDL XG   I   SAP Research Dresden
SAP AG   I   SAP Research   I   Chemnitzer Str. 48   I   01187 Dresden   I   Germany

T +49 351 4811-6127   I   F +49 6227 78-44576   I   M +49 172 4639220   I   mailto:kay.kadner@sap.com
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Received on Friday, 29 April 2011 13:24:37 UTC