- From: Martin Giese <martingi@ifi.uio.no>
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 14:44:07 +0100
- To: public-xg-urw3@w3.org
*Apologies for cross-postings* ------------------------------ RuleML 2016 Wednesday, 6 July – Saturday, 9 July, 2016, Stony Brook University, New York, USA http://2016.ruleml.org/ *** CALL FOR SPECIAL TRACK PAPERS: *** *** Rule- and Ontology-Based Data Access and Transformation *** http://2016.ruleml.org/calls/rule--and-ontology-based-data-access-and-transformation-track ------------------------- Ontologies and rule systems, isolated and in combination, have established themselves as viable approaches to a number of pressing IT problems: giving both humans and client software (e.g. data analysis) intuitive, domain-oriented, uniform access to data; integrating multiple data sets with heterogeneous schemas; migrating data from legacy systems, etc. This track solicits contributions on theoretical and practical aspects of rule- and ontology-based data access and transformation. TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to: * Logics and rule languages of particular interest to data access or transformation * Tractability and intractability results for rule- and ontology-based systems in the presence of large amounts of data * Interactions between rules and ontologies in the presence of large amounts of data * Rule- and ontology-based data integration * Rules & reasoning for Linked Data * Rule and ontology-driven user interfaces * Implementations of rule- and ontology-based data access and transformation systems systems * Reports on applications and lessons learnt IMPORTANT DATES: * Abstract submission: March 11, 2016 * Paper submission: March 18, 2016 * Author notification: May 4, 2016 * Camera ready: May 18, 2016 * Conference:: 6-9 July, 2016
Received on Saturday, 13 February 2016 10:48:02 UTC