- From: Thomas Lukasiewicz <Thomas.Lukasiewicz@comlab.ox.ac.uk>
- Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 02:07:56 +0100
- To: public-xg-urw3@w3.org
Apologies for cross-postings ------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Participation ------------------------------------------------------------------- UniDL'10 First International Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics co-located with IJCAR 2010 at FLoC 2010 July 20, 2010 Edinburgh, UK http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/UniDL ------------------------------------------------------------------- During the recent decade, handling uncertainty has started to play an important role in ontology languages, especially in application areas like the Semantic Web, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence. For this reason, there is currently a strong research interest in description logics (DLs) that allow for dealing with uncertainty. The subject of the workshop is how to deal with uncertainty and imprecision in Description Logics (DLs). This encompasses approaches that enable probabilistic or fuzzy reasoning in DLs, but the workshop is also open for approaches based on other uncertainty formalisms. The workshop focusses on the investigation of reasoning problems and approaches for solving them, including especially tractable ones. For classical DL reasoning problems such as subsumption and satisfiability, algorithms that can handle uncertainty exist, but they are still less well-investigated than in the case of standard DLs without uncertainty. For novel reasoning services, such as query answering, computation of generalizations, modules, or explanations, it is not yet clear how to realize them in DLs that can express uncertainty. INVITED TALK "A Probabilistic Abduction Engine for Media Interpretation based on Ontologies" Ralf Möller (TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany) ACCEPTED PAPERS "Compatibility Formalization Between PR-OWL and OWL" Rommel Carvalho, Kathryn Laskey and Paulo Costa "Gibbs Sampling in Probabilistic Description Logics with Deterministic Dependencies" Oliver Gries and Ralf Möller "Pronto: A Practical Probabilistic Description Logic Reasoner" Pavel Klinov "Relationships between Probabilistic Description and First-Order Logics" Pavel Klinov and Bijan Parsia "Probabilistic logic encoding of spatial domains" Paulo Santos, Fabio Cozman, Valquiria Fenelon Pereira and Britta Hummel "Towards Approximative Most Specific Concepts by Completion for EL with Subjective Probabilities" Anni-Yasmin Turhan and Rafael Peñaloza "Using f-SHIN to represent objects: an aid to visual grasping" Nicola Vitucci, Mario Arrigoni Neri and Giuseppina Gini FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, including information on registration, accommodation, and travel, please refer to the UniDL 2010 and FLoC 2010 web sites: http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/UniDL http://www.floc-conference.org/
Received on Friday, 2 July 2010 01:08:30 UTC