- From: Uncertainty Reasoning for the World Wide Web Incubator Group Issue Tracker <sysbot+tracker@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 03:57:49 +0000 (GMT)
- To: public-xg-urw3@w3.org
ISSUE-5 (who in Acks): consensus includes Editors and Acknowledgments list http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/tracker/issues/ Raised by: Ken Laskey On product: The Status section says, "It represents the consensus view of the group, in particular those listed in the acknowledgments ...". I realize that this follows the format of other XG reports but it would seem that either the editors should be in the Acknowledgment list or the statement should be modified to say something like, "in particular those listed as editors and those listed in the acknowledgments ..."
Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2008 03:58:13 UTC