- From: Anne Cregan <annec@cse.unsw.edu.au>
- Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 13:39:39 +1000
- To: Giorgos Stoilos <gstoil@image.ece.ntua.gr>
- Cc: <public-xg-urw3@w3.org>
Giorgos, Thanks for that - I learnt something very important that I didn't realise before. Are others as surprised as I am that RIF is ONLY going to be an interchange format and is NOT attempting to build a language for writing Rules for the Semantic Web? I think that for URW3 purposes, the ability to write rules will be critical, so we should keep a close eye on this. Do we know of any working group taking this on? Ken and Kathy - when you attend the W3C SemWeb Coordination Group conference call, could you perhaps ask them what work is afoot to support rule writing for the (semantic) Web? I would assume whatever we deliver would need this as a vehicle. Would others agree? Anne On 08/09/2007, at 4:23 PM, Giorgos Stoilos wrote: > > Dear All, > > During the August 1st telecon I promised to provide some feedback > to the > group regarding the RIF Wroking Group (WG). Since it seems that I > will also > miss some of the next telecons (both on the 19th and the 3rd it > seems that I > will be travelling) I am sending a mail with some feedback. > > ==ID== > - RIF stands for Rule Interchange Format. > - It is a Working Group (unlike our Interest Group), i.e. it will > provide a > standard (W3C Recommendation). > - RIF is chartered for 2 years. > - RIF home page: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/ > - RIF Charter: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/charter.html > - RIF wiki page: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/FrontPage > > == Objectives == > RIF is the current action of W3C for the rules layer of Semantic > Web. The > primary purpose is to propose a format for interchanging rules > between rule > systems on the (Semantic) Web and *NOT* to create a W3C Rule > Language for > the Semantic Web. Thus, one should not expect to use RIF to > represent its > rules, i.e. creating a RIF Rule Base. > > RIF is also expected to provide compatibility with current W3C > Semantic Web > standards like RDF and OWL. > > == Architecture == > The work is split in to 2 phases: > In phase 1 we will defined a RIF Core language which is lets say "a > minimum > *interesting* fragment that is common over most logic programming > languages > and systems". Then in phase 2 several RIF Dialects will extend or > restrict > the semantics and functionality of RIF Core elements to create a rule > interchange format for an LP language not supported by RIF Core. > Examples of > RIF Dialects could be an F-Logic Dialect, a DisjunctiveDatalog > Dialect, a > Horn+Negation, a Production Rule dialect, etc. > > So if you wanted to exchange rules between your Disjunctive Datalog > system > and some other one (also a Disjunctive Datalog system) you would > have to > implement a mapping from your rule base to the appropriate RIF > Dialect and > of course the other part should also be able to translate the RIF > Rules to > its own format. > > Maybe the group will examine some cases of exchanging rules between > diverse > systems, i.e. a RIF StableNegationToWellFoundedNegation Dialect but > is only > expected to do it for cases that such mapping has been studied in the > literature and not do research on its own. > > Checkout: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Arch/Extensibility > > == So Far == > The group started with UseCases & Requirements and until then it has > produced 3 versions of them. The working version is here > http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR. > > Currently the work is focused on RIF Core http://www.w3.org/TR/rif- > core/, > its XML syntax, RDF Compatibility and build-ins. Originally RIF > Core was > proposed to be Horn Logic + Sorts, but we have backtracked to Horn > http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Core. > > Regarding dialects there was some work on a NegationDialect and some > Prodcution Rule System dialect but I think little has been done on > this > issue. > > == RIF and Uncertainty == > Since the beginning we (the NTUA-IVML group) have tried to bring up > the > issue of uncertainty extensions of Semantic Web standards whenever > possible. > > > Initially, we succeeded in having "uncertainty" mentioned in the > RIF Charter > under the RIF Extensibility section > http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/charter#extensibility. > > Then during the UseCases work we added a UC for Fuzzy > http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/ > Fuzzy_Reasoning_with_Brain_Anatomical_S > tructures but it didn't made it into the UCs document. > Nevertheless, we > tried to add it implicitly through the Medical Decision support Use > Case > http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/ > Ruleset_Integration_for_Medical_Dec > ision_Support that exists in it. > > As with the UseCases it seems that we could propose an Uncertainty > Dialect > to the RIF group. Actually together with Carlos Damasio, Jeff Pan and > Umberto Straccia we have already done some work for an Uncertainty RIF > dialect in a paper to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae. > > But on the other hand from my experience in related W3C activities > I would > say that it is unlike that such an extension will survive as a > dialect in > the final standard. Uncertainty always looks kind of exotic to most > people, > while several ones in RIF would definitely eagerly object having > them as a > RIF Dialect. On the other hand even neutral people would prefer to > see a > dialect covering their favourite or some popular system rather than > uncertainty if it gets to choosing among "n" for standardization. > Moreover, > as far as I know, the issue of uncertainty LP is not such mature in > the > sense that there are not so many uncertainty rule bases and systems > out > there that one would like to interchange between them. So our case is > generally weak. > > Currently, it is not decided how many and which dialects would the > group > create as well as the requirements for Phase 2 > http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Design_Constraints, where > uncertainty > is included, have not been discussed yet. > > Hope I was concise enough. I also welcome any related questions. > > Greetings, > -gstoil >
Received on Monday, 10 September 2007 03:40:15 UTC