CONFIRMING 31 OCTOBER AVAILABILITY: Upcoming daylight savings time changes

I will need to confirm our telecon reservation and then coordinate on  

Please let the following:

- are you planning to attend the 31 October telecon?

- do you go off DST on October 28?  If yes, would you be available an  
hour later (I hope I have that right) if we keep to 0930 Boston time?

- do you go off DST on November 4?  If yes, would you be available an  
hour later if we delay to 1030 Boston time?

- does anyone live some place that does something different with DST?

When I get your feedback, I'll see what needs to be juggled.



Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From:
> From: "Ian B. Jacobs" <>
> Date: October 24, 2007 9:58:44 AM EDT
> To:
> Subject: Heads-up: Upcoming daylight savings time changes
> Hello,
> To those with teleconferences, we will again have the pleasure of
> discrepancy between the US and European daylight saving time changes:
> between October 28 (summertime ends in Europe) and
>         November 4 (DST ends in the US).
>   Ian
> -- 
> Ian Jacobs (
> Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Ken Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305     phone:  703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive                        fax:        703-983-1379
McLean VA 22102-7508

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2007 15:29:40 UTC