Use case discussions

Dear URW3 community -

We now have a healthy list of use cases on the URW3 wiki. 
Permissions have been set so that use cases can be viewed by the 
public, with the exception of the  use cases from the URSW workshop, 
which we agreed would be visible only to XG members.

We have the following list of use cases, with designated leads as indicated:

Discovery - Ken Laskey
SOA Execution Context - Ken Laskey
Appointment Making - Kathryn Laskey
Wine Sweetness - (from URSW - lead is not a member of XG)
Recommendation - (from URSW - Matthias Nickles is lead)
Best Match - (from URSW - no lead)
Free Query - (from URSW - lead is not a member of XG)
Use cases from the charter - Peter Vojtas
Extraction-Annotation - Peter Vojtas
User Preference Modeling - Peter Vojtas
Belief Fusion and Opinion Pooling - Matthias Nickles
Soft Shopping Agent - Umberto Straccia
Ontology Mediated Multimedia Information Retrieval - Umberto Straccia

URW3 members are encouraged to comment on the use cases using the 
discussion page associated with each use, and to edit the use case as 
appropriate.  Although only URW3 members may edit the wiki, members 
of the public may comment on the use case by posting messages to this 
email list.  If you are the designated lead for a use case, you 
should be following any discussion related to your use case (you can 
sign up for email notification of changes to the use case and 
discussion pages).

As noted in our charter and our meeting minutes, our primary task for 
the next few months is to flesh out these use cases, focusing 
especially on the uncertainty reasoning challenges associated with 
them.  To this end, we will be selecting particular use cases for the 
focus of future telecons.  Our next three scheduled telecons are 13 
June, 27 June, and 11 July.

Everyone is encouraged to look over the use cases and let us know 
which ones you are most interested in discussing in a future telecon. 
If you are the lead associated with one of the use cases 
(specifically, if your name is Ken Laskey, Kathryn Laskey, Peter 
Vojtas, Matthias Nickles, or Umberto Straccia), we ask you to tell us 
which of the three upcoming telecon dates you would be able to lead a 
discussion on one or more of your use cases, and which use cases you 
would most prefer to discuss. We plan to schedule two use cases per 
telecon.  If there are several closely related use cases, we can 
discuss them as a group.

Thanks very much, and we look forward to a lively discussion.

Best regards,

Kathy Laskey


Kathryn Blackmond Laskey                (703) 993-1644 (voice)
Department of Systems Engineering       (703) 993-1521 (fax)
    and Operations Research    
Mail Stop 4A6                 
George Mason University               
Fairfax, VA   22030

If a man will begin with certainties, he will end in doubts; but if he
will be content to begin with doubts, he will end in certainties.
                       Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Advancement of Learning

Received on Saturday, 9 June 2007 19:00:23 UTC