TR: Postdoc position on AgroPortal, GACS and ontology alignment in Montpellier, France

(sorry for multiple receptions)


The NUMEV Labex ( and AgroPortal project (
<> which builds an
ontology repository for agronomy are offering a 1-year postdoc position for
2017-2018 in Montpellier, to work on agronomical ontologies and their
alignments as well as take part in the international GACS initiative



Standards vocabularies and ontologies are key elements to achieve data
interoperability. The AgroPortal project (
develops and supports a reference ontology repository for agronomy, plant
sciences, biodiversity and nutrition. We have already designed and
implemented an advanced prototype offering ontology-based services that
hosts 64 ontologies or vocabularies including some reference resources in
the domain: Agrovoc, NAL thesaurus, Crop Ontology, etc. One of the
challenges when dealing with multiple ontologies is to determine their
overlap and align them.

We are offering a postdoc position to develop ontology mapping capabilities
to align AgroPortal ontologies and participate into the international Global
Agricultural Concept Scheme (GACS) project. With the experience and
technology developed with the YAM++ application (LIRMM's ontology alignment
matcher), we will make AgroPortal a state-of-the-art platform for mapping
extraction, generation, validation, evaluation, storage and retrieval by
adopting a complete semantic web and linked open data approach and engaging
the community for curation. We will first focus on the ontologies of the
Montpellier community (agronomy, food, biodiversity) and then join the GACS
project (integration of Agrovoc, NALt & CABt) in partnership with RDA
AgriSemantics working group.


More detail here: 



Please, consider transferring  the job description in your labs and


Best regards



Dr. Clement JONQUET  -  PhD in Informatics  -  Assistant Professor
University of Montpellier

Coordinator of the  <> SIFR and
<> AgroPortal projects

Visiting scholar, Stanford University (EU Marie Curie fellow)





@Montpellier : +33/4 67 14 97 43

@Stanford       : +1 650 723 6725






Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 15:57:33 UTC