- From: <Kerry.Taylor@csiro.au>
- Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 11:41:57 +1000
- To: <public-xg-ssn@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <98CC33188056EF4996107897D51E15AA032A2B6D06@EXNSW-MBX05.nexus.csiro.au>
SSN-XG-ers As discussed at one of the last telecons, I submitted a proposal to Semtech and it was accepted, to speak on the SSN-XG (see http://semtech2011.semanticweb.com/ and http://semtech2011.semanticweb.com/sessionPop.cfm?confid=62&proposalid=4044). I'd like to talk about what people are doing with the SSN ontology, not just the ontology itself. I am quite happy to present what I know from your contributions to the XG, but if you'd like to see your work highlighted well, then please send me some material I can work from (and make sure you incude all the references to the people and funders or whatever you want to have recognised). I have an hour to talk, so a few slides (or just some text) would be fine. If you respond to this, I'll come back with questions as I try to pull it together. Laurent recently did a bit of a hunt for references to the XG's work - he came up with some 50 or so citations! (Laurent will correct me if I have that number very wrong). Thanks, Kerry
Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2011 01:42:30 UTC