Missing definitions


One of the common weaknesses of all the sensor ontologies we reviewed at the beginning of the XG was the lack of textual definitions. 
For our ontology, it is now easier to identify the missing definitions because they will appear as in the documentation page generated out of the OWL file  http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Documentation_Draft (work in progress) 

It is easier to use than the OWL file for this purpose because I'm using some extra rdfs:seeAlso annotations to separate the different sub-parts. The process is not quite fully automated but it is not too painful.

Can you please have a look at the list below and send your suggestions for the definitions which are still missing (either single definitions or terminology resources covering what's missing). 


To prepare this work, I have updated the following wiki page:
http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/VIM_terms  on the basis of 
the concepts discussed in this paper. 
R. Singh, K.V. Gernaey and R.Gani, An ontological knowledge-based system for the selection of process monitoring and analysis tools, Computers & Chemical Engineering http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2010.04.011   

Q.: should we add the following classes to enrich the Measurement Capabilities part of the ontology (using the same pattern as before): 
- Sensitivity, Selectivity, Detection limit, Drift and Response time

The list below is derived from the "summary tables" of the Documentation Draft wiki page. I have added the definitions from the "terminology" pages on the wiki when available.

Event	 class	

Observation	 class	 
An observation is the record of some sensing and contains time stamps, a result, a reference to the sensing process ... i.e. all the bits in O&M. (SSN XG)

ValueThing	 class	

observationResultTime	 property	

observationSamplingTime	 property	

procedure	 property	
- measurement procedure (VIM 2.6), (MINET): detailed description of a measurement according to one or more measurement principles and to a given measurement method, based on a measurement model and including any calculation to obtain a measurement result
- procedure (O&M): method, algorithm or instrument, or system of these

qualityOfObservation	 property	

Feature	 class	 (add this def or find a better one?)	
- (O&M): abstraction of real world phenomena (ISO 19101)

Property	 class	
- property <General Feature Model> (O&M): characteristic of a feature type, including attribute, association role, defined behaviour, feature association, specialization and generalization relationship, constraints ISO 19109

Input	 class	

Output	 class	

Parameter	 class	

hasInput	 property	

hasOutput	 property	

implements	 property

Accuracy	 class	
- The ability of a measurement to match the actual value of the quantity being measured (Haby)

Condition	 class	

Frequency	 class (TO DO: discuss the multiple possible use of frequency e.g. Radar frequency, frequency of measurement, ...)	

MeasurementCapability	 class	

MeasurementProperty	 class	

MeasurementRange	 class	(use MeasuringInterval instead?) 
- measuring interval (VIM 4.7): set of values of quantities of the same kind that can be measured by a given measuring instrument or measuring system with specified instrumental uncertainty, under defined conditions
- Operating range (Singh et al.): The operating range of a monitoring tool is defined as the minimum and maximum limiting value that it can measure.

Resolution	 class	
- smallest change in a quantity being measured that causes a perceptible change in the corresponding indication (VIM 4.14)

hasConstraint	 property	

TO DO: decide if we want to add the following classes 

- The ability of a measurement to be consistently reproduced", i.e. it is the ability of repeatability (Haby via Singh et al.).

- Quotient of the change in an indication of a measuring system and the corresponding change in a value of a quantity being measured (VIM 4.12)

- property of a measuring system, used with a specified measurement procedure, whereby it provides measured quantity values for one or more measurands such that the values of each measurand are independent of other measurands or other quantities in the phenomenon, body, or substance being investigated (VIM 4.13)

Detection limit: 
- measured quantity value, obtained by a given measurement procedure, for which the probability of falsely claiming the absence of a component in a material is â, given a probability á of falsely claiming its presence (VIM 4.18)

- continuous or incremental change over time in indication, due to changes in metrological properties of a measuring instrument (VIM 4.21)

Response time: 
- duration between the instant when an input quantity value of a measuring instrument or measuring system is subjected to an abrupt change between two specified constant quantity values and the instant when a corresponding indication settles within specified limits around its final steady value (VIM 4.25)

TO DO: Find definitions for

BatteryLifetime	 class	
EnvironmentalOperatingRange	 class	
EnvironmentalSurvivalRange	 class	
Latency	 class	
MaintenanceSchedule	 class	
OperatingPowerRange	 class	

OperatingRange	 class	(- I'd rather not use OperatingRange because it is a possible source of confusion: see comments above) 

ProcessingCapacity	 class	
ShockandVibrationRange	 class	
StorageCapacity	 class	
SurvivalRange	 class
SystemLifetime	 class	
TransmissionRange	 class		

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2010 15:31:27 UTC