Re: operating and survival conditions


UCUM in OWL:  Was a conversion via an
XSLT from UCUM to OWl back in 2006.

We needed to define the rdf:ID as a combination of name and code to
guarantee uniqueness. We did preserve all the property values related
to a unit form the original XML.

<unit rdf:ID="hand_hd_i">
      <property>height of horses</property>

Other projects publishing units are as follows:

Finally I know there as a work going on at CIM3 lead by Frank Olken.
But searching, the only resource I found was this presentation


On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:43 AM,  <> wrote:
> It seems MMI has also a measurement ontology;
> Luis can probably help us to get more information.
> Best regards,
> Payam
> ________________________________________
> From: Simon Cox []
> Sent: 23 June 2010 14:56
> To: Barnaghi P Dr (Electronic Eng);;
> Subject: RE: operating and survival conditions
> The problem with SWEET is that it does not have an open, or even
> particularly orderly, maintenance process.
> This is a known issue, and the NSF funders have been trying to rectify the
> problem, but it has not been solved yet.
> It is managed by a very small group with no formal contact with
> authoritative external bodies.
> e.g. they took their Geological Timescale from Wikipedia.
> The IUGS Commission for Stratigraphy is the authority in this area, and
> Wikipedia ( and thus  SWEET) were incorrect in several places.
> On investigation I found out that this part of SWEET was done by a
> (vacation?) student, who understandably had little experience in research
> and collaboration.
> This appears to be symptomatic of a rather casual approach to governance,
> which SWEET can get away and still be taken seriously because of the NASA
> monicker.
> It's a shame as the fundamentals are good, but the attention to detail
> really lets them down.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Simon Cox
> European Commission, Joint Research Centre
> Institute for Environment and Sustainability
> Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit, TP 262
> Via E. Fermi, 2749, I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
> Tel: +39 0332 78 3652
> Fax: +39 0332 78 6325
> SDI Unit:
> IES Institute:
> JRC:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Any opinions expressed are personal unless otherwise indicated.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 15:19
> To:;;
> Subject: RE: operating and survival conditions
> I hope that I have understood it correctly; Can we use a part of NASA's
> SWEET ontology for the units of measurement?
> Best regards,
> Payam
> ________________________________________
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Simon Cox []
> Sent: 23 June 2010 13:59
> To:;
> Subject: RE: operating and survival conditions
> What is the rationale behind URLs like
> ?
> 1.  It appears that the project that set this up stopped in 2008 2.  It
> doesn't appear to offer any real semantic value - the RDF seems to be
> confined to rdf:type information, which doesn't get you far. No definitions,
> conversions, or even links to more authoritative definitions.
> 3.  The slash URI ultimately maps to a # URI, which implies a finite set in
> a primary-resource, which is not scalable for an unbounded set like units of
> measure. (Compare this with the OGC URI scheme, which allows any terminal
> symbol that can be constructed following the UCUM algorithm - i.e. it
> effectively delegates the detail to UCUM. ) 4.  I'm a bit baffled why they
> call it 'ucum' but then do *not* use the symbols defined in UCUM
> I fully agree that an authoritative source of URIs for units and quantities
> is required, but submit that this is a poor choice.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Simon Cox
> European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and
> Sustainability Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit, TP 262 Via E. Fermi, 2749,
> I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
> Tel: +39 0332 78 3652
> Fax: +39 0332 78 6325
> SDI Unit:
> IES Institute:
> JRC:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Any opinions expressed are personal unless otherwise indicated.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 June 2010 15:00
> To:
> Subject: operating and survival conditions
> I've marked up Payam's suggestion for operating and survival conditions into
> an OWL file (as an extension of the current version of the ontology).  See
> I hope I've interpreted it properly.  All comments welcome - Payam, if you
> see anything amiss let me know.
> On the same page is an example that encodes the operating and survival
> conditions for a sensor.
> Both files are attached here.
> Michael=


Luis Bermudez Ph.D.
Coastal Research Technical Manager
Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) - Office: (202) 408-8211
1201 New York Ave. NW Suite 430, Washington DC 20005

Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2010 12:41:46 UTC