RE: Question: link between #Sensor and #Property

The version you are using is fine, and something like the #measures you describe should be there (or #observes - which name is better?).  I'll update and send out a new version.


From: [] On Behalf Of A.Nikolov []
Sent: Tuesday, 3 August 2010 8:48 PM
Subject: Question: link between #Sensor and #Property


I am trying to use the SSN ontology to describe an example from our SmartProducts project and I have a question.

In one of the use cases we have an accelerometer sensor ( As I understand, similarly to the VaisalaWM30 example, the class of sensors of the same model has to be described as a subclass of #SensingDevice, and their common attributes must be defined as property restrictions. Now, I want to define a class of accelerometer sensors. If we have #Acceleration as an instance of #Property, is there a way to define #Accelerometer as a #SensingDevice for which there is a link to #Acceleration? On,_etc I can see there is a property #measures connecting #Sensor and #Property, but it is not in the SensorBasis.owl. Has this property been removed for some reason, or I am not using the correct version of SensorBasis.owl (I took the June version from )?

Best regards,

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Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2010 13:21:24 UTC