RE: SSN-XG Meeting Minutes 7-May-2009

Re Action 5 - just yesterday I created tickets for two of my team here to document use cases for a 'concept retrieval service' that we are prototyping here.
The use cases are

1. Validation of data instances which have constraints on the content of certain fields
-- where a value is a reference to a remote resource, the resource must exist (e.g. the observed property is already registered)
-- where a value is required to be from a specific source, the correct source is used (e.g. the observed property is registered in scheme X)
-- one field must be consistent with another, according to logic captured in an external schema (e.g. the unit of measure is commensurate with the observed property)
-- ... others ...

2. Selection options in a UI are members of a specified ontology

I'll provide details when we have completed this.


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From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 7 May 2009 5:35 AM
Subject: [ExternalEmail] SSN-XG Meeting Minutes 7-May-2009

Dear Participants,

Thank you all for a productive meeting today.
Special thanks again to Amit for getting this group up and all the best for his future career!

The draft minutes are available at:

Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: amit to get Holger access to W3C content for editing... [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: for each usecase, categorise by implementation - ie now, 2 years or next 10 years, ie the when it could be implemented [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: JohnG to put a link to MMI usecases for ontologies... [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Kerry to notify group of proposal success [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: People to start adding usecases to the wiki - Kerry has volunteered to put some on there... [recorded in]

The XG's Wiki page is accessible at:

Please let me invite you to use this forum for information exchange/links to supporting material for our group.

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 7 May 2009 01:07:44 UTC