FWI: Joint Training Enterprise Ontology Workshop

Hi All,

SRI is hosting the Joint Training Enterprise Ontology Workshop next week,
with sensors as a topic of interest.

>From SRI:
We have been engaged for several years in work to leverage semantic
technologies in reasoning about interoperability of complex systems,
which can include sensor systems, simulators of sensor systems, and
consumers of sensor data.  Our sponsors are very supportive of the
creation of larger communities of interest to be responsible for
maintaining ontologies used in describing such systems.  Hence the
motivations for this workshop (which hopefully is just the first in a
series) - to further develop ontologies for describing sensor systems,
to educate DoD-community SMEs about KR technology, and to build
communities of interest for ontology development.  Most of the
attendees will be subject matter experts in sensors and/or one of the
other topic areas.  SRI will provide most of the KR expertise, but of
course additional KR expertise from your team would be welcome.



Cory Andrew Henson
Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University

Received on Monday, 27 July 2009 14:33:42 UTC