Re: SSN-XG Meeting Reminder 7-July2009


My apologize. I will have to miss this call. I will be attending the Summer
2009 ESIP Federation meeting.


I edited the ontology attributes of the presentations I gave last week.

Regarding the f2f,  We have a room that will fit 30 people at SURA
headquarters - 1201 New York Ave. NW Suite 430, Washington DC 20005. The
only minor caveat is that is  not very convenient during the weekend, since
the building is closed. I will need to help getting everybody in to the
building and on the elevators because they both required a special key.



On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 3:47 AM, <> wrote:

>  Please accept my apologies. I will not be able to attend this week (I
> will be skiing!).
> Kerry
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* []
> *On Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Monday, 6 July 2009 10:49 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [ExternalEmail] SSN-XG Meeting Reminder 7-July2009
>  Hi all,
> This is just a reminder that our regular weekly telephone conference (‘week
> b’) will be tomorrow:
> Tuesday 13:00-14:00 UTC (9:00am-10:00am Boston local)
> Your time:
> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7769 ("SSNX")
> 15 participants
> Apart from the action items of our last meeting,
> *[NEW]* *ACTION:* all_presenters to edit
> for
> their presented ontology(ies) [recorded in
> *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Michael and John to put detailed minutes on the wiki
> [recorded in],
> we still have to revise those of the meeting two weeks ago, which we didn’t
> do last time as the conference call was dedicated to reviewing existing
> ontologies:
> *[NEW]* *ACTION:* All interested to look at annotation work package on
> wiki and either edit wiki or contact Cory [recorded in
> *[NEW]* *ACTION:* discuss f2f location at next meeting [recorded in
> *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Holger to add a call for a further f2f organiser to
> email [recorded in]
> *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Holger to send email to ssn-xg list about Saturday 24th
> as date for f2f [recorded in
> *[NEW]* *ACTION:* john to send email on ontologies and process for next
> meeting and call for volunteers to introduce each ontology [recorded in
> Cheers,
> Holger
> ---
> Dr. Holger Neuhaus
> Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre
> *The Tasmanian ICT Centre is jointly funded by the Australian Government
> through the Intelligent Island Program and CSIRO. The Intelligent Island
> Program is administered by the Tasmanian Department of Economic Development
> and Tourism.*
> GPO Box 1538 Hobart TAS 7001
> Castray Esplanade Hobart TAS 7000
> T: +61 3 6232 5547, F: +61 3 6232 5000
> Innovative ICT transforming Australian industries

Luis Bermudez Ph.D.
Coastal Research Technical Manager
Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) - Office: (202) 408-8211
1201 New York Ave. NW Suite 430, Washington DC 20005

Received on Monday, 6 July 2009 09:53:22 UTC