Re: SSN-XG Meeting Minutes 8-December-2009

Dear John,

The mentioned OGC discussion paper is from Patrick Maue, Philippe 
Duchesne and Sven Schade. Sven had a talk at our SSN-XG meetings like 2 
or 3 month ago. You can find the slides here [1]; the OGC discussion 
paper is also listed in our state of the art section.  You can also find 
some additional details and annotation examples in our Semantic 
Enablement Paper [2]. At the moment Sapience is focused on annotating 
KML files (see the tutorials) but it can also be used in other 
application areas. We also discussed this during the Meeting at the 
ISWC. Patrick and Sven would like to open up a discussion about how to 
continue on the annotation work by putting the OGC discussion paper on a 
OGC wiki. This may take some time and we can use this opportunity to add 
the perspective and experiences from the SSN-XG there (which will be the 
main idea of having the wiki). One example which IMO should be part of 
the OGC  discussion paper are approaches such as GRDDL.

Best Regards,


On 09.12.2009 06:18, John Graybeal wrote:
> All,
> Sorry I missed today (again), strictly a matter of this insane project 
> startup I'm on.  I am usually reading the minutes though, and saw this:
> Laurent: changes in the semantic markup pages (review of papers and 
> their use of XLink)
> The following is some possibly relevant material -- I didn't see it 
> captured in any way in the SSN references, but I may have missed it.
> At OGC's GeoSemantic group yesterday, Patrick Maué 
> ( 
> <>) of the Institute for 
> Geoinformatics ( at University of Münster 
> referenced work that includes the use of xlink and arcrole in OGC 
> standards. See the following link (resolution) for the overview of the 
> various pieces of the work:
> and he cites the OGC document OGC Discussion Paper "Semantic 
> Annotations in OGC Standards" 
> <>, which I 
> think is OGC 08-167r1.  (My note-taking was spotty.)  Anyway, they've 
> thought some about the use of xlink and arcrole, and I wanted to give 
> the heads up to this list in case we weren't already aware of that work.
> Back to my corner, hope to catch up with you next week.
> John
> On Dec 8, 2009, at 13:12, < 
> <>> < 
> <>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thank you for attending the telephone conference today and for the 
>> good discussion.
>> The minutes are available at: 
>>     *Summary of Action Items*
>> We didn’t record any actions; however, the agreed-upon Ontology 
>> editing process implies some actions:
>>    1. Start with Michael's version sent last week.
>>    2. Everyone to file changes through the tracker.
>>    3. Change requests/comments are being decided at the telecons
>>    4. Michael to make the changes
>> When Web Protégé is up and running, we can decide how to make the 
>> transition…
>> Everybody who took pictures at the f2f, /please/ upload them to the 
>> wiki:
>> The XG’s Wiki page is accessible at: 
>> Please let me invite you to use this forum for discussions on the 
>> development of the Semantic Markup and the Ontology.
>> Cheers,
>> Holger
>> *Dr. Holger Neuhaus*
>> Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
>> Tasmanian ICT Centre
>> Phone: +61 3 6232 5547* | *Fax: +61 3 6232 5000
>> <> *|* 
>> <> *|* 
>> Address: GPO Box 1538, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia
>> //The Tasmanian ICT Centre is jointly funded by the Australian 
>> Government through the Intelligent Island Program and CSIRO. The 
>> Intelligent Island Program is administered by the Tasmanian 
>> Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts.//
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> --------------
> I have my new work email address: 
> <>
> --------------
> John Graybeal <>
> phone: 858-534-2162
> System Development Manager
> Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Project: 
> Marine Metadata Interoperability Project:

Krzysztof Janowicz
Institute for Geoinformatics
University of Muenster
Weselerstr. 253
48151 Muenster

fon: 0049 - 251 - 83 39764
fax: 0049 - 251 - 83 39763

'Die Wahrheit ist das Kind der Zeit, nicht der Autorität'
(Bertolt Brecht)

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 12:26:49 UTC