Re: Social Web XG Extra Meeting Wed. Oct 6th (12:00 Boston/16:00 London) - Wrapping up Final Report Take 2

Ditto to what Melvin wrote! Plus, very valuable to have worked 
with/learned from so many experts from related fields. It was an amazing 
learning experience, well worth the effort :-)

Thanks to everyone involved and a great product.



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On 10/5/2010 11:47 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 5 October 2010 23:17, Harry Halpin<>  wrote:
>> Everyone,
>>    I did some final edits to the report. I still haven't gotten slide
>> 16 from DanBri's slidedeck,  and gone through Alex Passant's changes
>> yet (will try to get to these tomorrow) - but overall it's very close
>> to done. I'm sending it out to our various invited speakers for
>> comments now, and we'll be talking about it tomorrow. The agenda is
>> basically unchanged from last meeting. So, if you haven't had time to
>> read over the final report and make changes, *now* is the time,
>> because we have to publish soon. The goal is to have all suggested
>> edits by Friday, and I'll go through them and then produce a new HTML
>> version on Saturday.
> I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that has been involved!
> I think it's fair to say that the social web kind of went super nova
> in the last 18 months.  There was probably too much to cover by the
> end, but I think everyone made a great fist of trying to hit a moving
> target.
> The invited speakers have been simply exceptional.  The outreach I
> think has built so many ties, that will bear fruit for years to come.
> Last but not least, I'd really like to thank the chairs for their
> painstaking work, diplomacy, humor and persistence.  Aside from the
> final report, each I think has achieved great milestones, with DanA
> having launched the prototype of OneSocialWeb, DanB did an amazing job
> helping to make OpenGraphPortocol a reality, and Harry has been ever
> present and moving towards helping the Federated Social Web become
> standardized (and in the mean time joining the W3C Tag, getting
> married, and completing a PhD!).  Congrats all round!
> Whatever happens to the SWXG, I'd love to be part of any future work,
> and hopefully watch the dream of The Social Web become a reality!
>> Final Report:
>> SWXG WG Weekly
>>     1. Convene [2]SWXG WG meeting of 2010-09-29T14:30-17:00GMT (See
>>        your [3]local time, i.e. 16:00 London, 11:00 Boston)
>>           + [4]Zakim teleconference bridge: Boston, USA:
>>             [5]+1.617.761.6200 code:SWXG Nice, France:
>>             [6]+ code:SWXG Bristol, UK:
>>             [7]+44.117.370.6152 code:SWXG ([8]zakim calendar)
>>                o supplementary IRC chat: [9]#swxg on port
>>                  6665
>>           + chair: hhalpin
>>           + scribe: bblfish
>>           + roll call, comments on the agenda.
>>           + PROPOSED: to approve minutes from [10]Sept 29th meeting.
>>           + PROPOSED: Last meeting, but everyone invited to keep
>>             participating through the Federated Social Web effort!
>>     2. Final Report Rough Draft: The latest (and hopefully, by time of
>>        meeting, last)rough draft is on the  wiki.

Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 22:38:59 UTC