Re: GNU Social accessibility inquiry

On 06/02/10 13:58, Gregory J. Rosmaita wrote:

> can you please update the w3c Social Web Incubator Interest Group (SWXG)
> [2] on participation in GNU Social? [3] is there an accessibility 
> presence in that activity?  do you have anything you can share with 
> the SWXG and the WAI in regards accessibility and GNU Social?

I'm the maintainer of GNU social and on the SWXG.

GNU social has just started active development.

We will be doing everything sensible we can with regards to web
accessibility, as well as providing any and all enhancements needed to
facilitate accessible social activity.

We should have something visible in approximately two weeks.

Until then, GNU FM will also incorporate GNU social functionality, and
is ready and being used in production -- is the largest
GNU FM install right now, with over 30,000 users and 24 million songs

Would be happy to hear of any accessibility enhancements for GNU FM.

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 18:10:23 UTC