Re: First WebID Meeting - audio logs

On 28 July 2010 06:30, Manu Sporny <> wrote:

> The audio logs for the first WebID meeting are now available. Discussion
> included telecon bridge/IRC software, short term goals for WebID, long
> term goals for WebID, W3C involvement, serialization formats, OpenID
> integration, use of RDF, and meeting frequency.

A solid start!

I see this as essentially rubber stamping the work done in the last 18
months, and allowing a wider review.

It would be good to get a 'lean and mean' spec out within 3 months, I favor
minimal and simplistic, but whatever works.  There's a wealth of supporting
material in the wiki.

If we can get through this quicky, hopefully this can be a springboard to
tackle the next big challenge, namely ACL.  This is something that pretty
much everyone has asked for.

There's been quite a few ideas, but it would be ideal to translate them into
something more rigourous, and also with some prototypes interoprating.

> One hundred thank yous to Stéphane for scribing the meeting. He'll have
> a cleaned up text transcript of the meeting posted in the coming days.
> Thanks to all that participated. The next meeting will be in two weeks.
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
> President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: WebApp Security - A jQuery Javascript-native SSL/TLS library

Received on Wednesday, 28 July 2010 04:38:16 UTC