Doodle poll on IG vs. XG

To take a quick straw poll, here is the Doodle poll for IG vs. XG:

Basically, if we extend the XG, then we have more time to figure out
future standardization and write the final report.

If we go the route of the IG, then we can use the list-serv and even
meet indefinitely, but we don't really have a purpose per se.

My preference is to stick with the XG for the time being before
transitioning into an IG, as I think we have yet to overview the full
landscape and talk to enough people to give the W3C an accurate
overview and gameplan that respects and integrates well into the rest
of the Social Web eco-system. Plus, I only like participating in
activities that have definite goal. Once we are done with the final
report, I'm happy to turn into a IG-driven listserv though if that's
the best way forward, or maybe an IG plus some WGs (Working Groups).
For differences, see here [2].


Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2010 03:15:07 UTC