Social Web XG Agenda Sept 1st: OpenID Next/OpenID Connect (and special half an hour session on ORDL 30 minutes earlier)


   We're having a very busy meeting tomorrow. First, we're starting 30
minutes ahead of time to allow Renato Iannello to talk about the ODRL
(Open Digital Rights Langauge) initiative [1] that could help solve
some of the licensing use-cases ("drop your pen-friend") examples that
Renato's been talking about.

Then it's on to the future of OpenID, which is very exciting. In
particular, we're have both Dick Hardt on the upcoming OpenID v. Next
effort [11] (which would let OpenID be do at higher levels of
assurance, such as that suitable for govt and business)  and David
Recordon on OpenID Connect[12], which generalizes features in Facebook
Connect and Google FriendConnect. These are both possibly breaking
changes to the OpenID stack, but they are very early in formation at
the OpenID Foundation, and we're going to look for ways for W3C to


SWXG WG Weekly

    1. Convene [2]SWXG WG meeting of 2010-09-01T14:30-17:00GMT (See
       your [3]local time, i.e. 16:00 London, 11:00 Boston)
          + [4]Zakim teleconference bridge: Boston, USA:
            [5]+1.617.761.6200 code:SWXG Nice, France:
            [6]+ code:SWXG Bristol, UK:
            [7]+44.117.370.6152 code:SWXG ([8]zakim calendar)
               o supplementary IRC chat: [9]#swxg on port
          + chair: hhalpin
          + scribe: bblfish
          + roll call, comments on the agenda.
          + PROPOSED: to approve minutes from [10]August 25th meeting.
          + PROPOSED: to meet again Wed. Sept 8st (Social Web
    2. ODRL and Policy Languages Meeting 30 minutes earlier with Renato
       Ianella to discuss and the possibility of some W3C work arising
       from ODRL effort. Final Report Action Update
          + ACTION: Mischa to put up wiki page about social networks
            deploying these technologies. (i.e. reference the one from
            GNU Social?)
          + ACTION:DKA to shorten too long use-cases and see if he can
            reference in SWAT test cases.
          + ACTION: For diaspora to talk about being included in final
            report (interoperable code-basess agreed to SWAT tests?).
          + ACTION: bblfish and mischa to write a new introductory
            paragraph with definition of social web and case for
            open-source/business use of standards.
          + ACTION: Add to intro a "user story" of why current
            approaches don't work.
          + ACTION: hhalpin to set up HTML5/Interaction domain telecon
            before Sept.
          + ACTION: bblfish (and paul maybe?) flesh out and draft
            identity section.
          + ACTION: hhalpin and melvster to review activity standards
          + ACTION: venezia to do mobile paragraph
          + ACTION: hhalpin to work on strategy document
    3. OpenID Connect and OpenID v.Next Discussion with David Recordon
       to discuss and Dick Hart to discuss OpenID v.Next, and the role
       of the W3C in the identity space.

      [5] tel:+1.617.761.6200;postd=swxg
      [6] tel:+;postd=swxg
      [7] tel:+44.117.370.6152;postd=swxg

Received on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 21:15:51 UTC