Text regarding SMOB (ACTION-98)


Here's a simple paragraph regarding SMOB, probably useful for Mischa regarding ACTION-98.
Probably to go into "6.9 Decentralised Social Networking Projects" in the final report as well.
Let me know if more / less is required (that's basically adapted from the text I've put for describing the project on SMOB website.

SMOB is a Semantic MicroBlogging framework for open, distributed and semantic microblogging.
It is entirely based on Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies and its infrastructure relies on distributed hubs that communicate each other to exchange microblog posts and subscriptions (i.e. following / followers) on the Web. 
Compared to traditional microblogging approaches that require a third-party client, anyone can setup her/his SMOB hub on the Web, and that hub can then interact with any other hub. 
Interaction is done by exchanging RDF data (using FOAF, SIOC, MOAT, OPO, etc.) using SPARQL and SPARQL / Update via HTTP (so that, instead of a new API, data exchange is done using Web standards). 
It also provides the ability to link #tags to structured description of these tags, following the Linked Data approach (e.g DBpedia identifiers), and consequently bringing meaning to #tags in microblogging (using MOAT and CommonTag). In addition, each SMOB hub expose its data in RDFa and provides a SPARQL endpoint to enable further mash-ups and integration with other sources.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/track/actions/98
Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <http://apassant.net/alex> .

Received on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 17:44:18 UTC