Meeting Agenda for Social Web XG: April 21st 2010


As some of you may know, the W3C has a new CEO, Jeff Jaffe [1]. He's
very interested in concrete recommendations for making the W3C more
agile and lightweight, and how both membership and W3C process can be
changed to make this so and relate better to more lightweight
standards and community groups. So, I propose that after we go through
the usual action chasing-up (and I'm noticing almost nothing has
happened over the last 2 weeks, so I'll be chasing people up!), we
should devote the telecon to an open discussion on "Opening Up W3C" so
I can have some recommendations from the Social Web XG for him.

Remember, the telecon is 11:00 ET (Boston) and 16:00 (London) time.


SWXG WG Weekly

  1. Convene [2]SWXG WG meeting of 2010-04-15T15:00-16:00GMT (See
     your [3]local time)
        + [4]Zakim teleconference bridge: Boston, USA:
          [5]+1.617.761.6200 code:SWXG Nice, France:
          [6]+ code:SWXG Bristol, UK:
          [7]+44.117.370.6152 code:SWXG ([8]zakim calendar)
             o supplementary IRC chat: [9]#swxg on port
        + chair: hhalpin
        + scribe: jsalvachua
        + roll call, comments on the agenda.
        + PROPOSED: to approve [10]SWXG WG Weekly -- 14 April 2010 as
          a true record
        + PROPOSED: to meet again Wed. April 28th
  2. Action Reminders
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION: adam to take on corporate story (5
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION: (9 weeks) Mischa to describe/implement
          a report of terms and conditions, and how they change
          between now and the end of the XG.
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION: (9 weeks) mtuffied to put up wiki page
          about social networks deploying these technologies.
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION: (4 weeks) danbri and DKA to blog or
          wikize something on co-ordination in the social web
  3. Final Report Update
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION:Anita to draft XMPP and mobile notes and
          put them on wiki
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION:danbri to inquire about BradFitzpatrick
          and Social Graph API
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION:DKA to discuss liasoning after AC
        + [CONTINUES] ACTION:hhalpin to get you data on OpenSocial
          from Kevin Marks, DAP Contact API work from Thomas Roessler

  4. Discussion on process changes to the W3C

    [5] tel:+1.617.761.6200;postd=swxg
    [6] tel:+;postd=swxg
    [7] tel:+44.117.370.6152;postd=swxg

Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 06:19:33 UTC