Social Web XG Meeting Agenda: 15:00UTC (11:00EST, 16:00GMT)-16:00 - Draft Final Report and Charter Extension Granted


  The Social Web XG is meeting again this week, and let's make sure we
get the time right - which is *16:00GMT*. We've had our charter
extended (yeah!) and have the results of the final paper. However, we
owe a draft final report to the W3C by the end of the month, so we
need to get to work! This meeting will mostly discuss that work and
lining up future speakers.

Note we had a bit of a mess last time about the conference call time,
note that we are 16:00 GMT (London) and 11:00 EST (Boston). See this
time and date:

SWXG WG Weekly

   1. Convene [2]SWXG WG meeting of 2010-04-07T14:00-16:00GMT (See
      your [3]local time)
         + [4]Zakim teleconference bridge: Boston, USA:
           [5]+1.617.761.6200 code:SWXG Nice, France:
           [6]+ code:SWXG Bristol, UK:
           [7]+44.117.370.6152 code:SWXG ([8]zakim calendar)
              o supplementary IRC chat: [9]#swxg on port
         + chair: DKA
         + scribe: jsalvachua
         + roll call, comments on the agenda.
         + PROPOSED: to approve [10]SWXG WG Weekly -- 01 April 2010 as
           a true record
         + PROPOSED: to meet again Wed. April 14th
   2. Action Reminders
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION: adam to take on corporate story (5
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION: (9 weeks) Mischa to describe/implement
           a report of terms and conditions, and how they change
           between now and the end of the XG.
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION: (9 weeks) mtuffied to put up wiki page
           about social networks deploying these technologies.
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION: (4 weeks) danbri and DKA to blog or
           wikize something on co-ordination in the social web
   3. Final Report Update
         + How do we meta-organize this?
         + Use-cases, making shorter with using "resources"?
         + Start with Perey and Renato's draft?
         + Can we get a visual diagram of related open standards
inside and outside the W3C?
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION:Anita to draft XMPP and mobile notes and
           put them on wiki
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION:danbri to inquire about BradFitzpatrick
           and Social Graph API
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION:DKA to discuss liasoning after AC
         + [CONTINUES] ACTION:hhalpin to get you data on OpenSocial
           from Kevin Marks, DAP Contact API work from Thomas Roessler
         + [DONE] ACTION:hhalpin to make WBS survey on ranking future
   4. Going over future topics
          + See the results of the poll


     [5] tel:+1.617.761.6200;postd=swxg
     [6] tel:+;postd=swxg
     [7] tel:+44.117.370.6152;postd=swxg

Received on Wednesday, 7 April 2010 02:54:02 UTC