Social Web XG Meeting Wed 9th 2009 13:00Z-15:00Z

Today we'll talk about TPAC then move to what invited speakers we
want, in what order and over what subjects mostly, and then look at
the evolution of the use-case document.

Sorry about not getting this out earlier, was in transit from Italy
with bad internet connections there.


SWXG WG Weekly

    1. Convene [2]SWXG WG meeting of 2009-09-09T13:00-15:00Z (See your
       [3]local time)
          + [4]Zakim teleconference bridge: Boston, USA:
            [5]+1.617.761.6200 code:SWXG Nice, France:
            [6]+ code:SWXG Bristol, UK:
            [7]+44.117.370.6152 code:SWXG ([8]zakim calendar)
               o supplementary IRC chat: [9]#swxg on port
          + chair: DKA
          + scribe: Hans Constandt
          + roll call, comments on the agenda.
            regrets: Mischa, PeterF, RReck
          + PROPOSED: to approve [10]SWXG WG Weekly -- 2nd September
            2009 as a true record
          + PROPOSED: to meet again Wed. Sept. 16th - guest speaker
            David Ragett from Ubiquitour Web Activity of new context
            work in W3C.
    2. General Organization and Task Forces
          + TPAC? Who's going? Need to make sure we're listed on
          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: DKA to summarize OSLO and geoLocation
            conversation in order to spread knowledge of these efforts
            among W3C members.
          + [CONTINUES] ACTION:Mischa to describe/implement a report of
            terms and conditions, and how they change between now and
            the end of the XG.
    3. Invited Guest Invitations
          + Let's have a strategy session for moving onto looking at
            portability and formats once the use-case document is
            done...or should we look at digital identity more first?
          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: danbri to find someone from Opera to
            talk Widgets
          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: danbri and karl to contact Evan of
   over OpenMicroblogging and W3C.
          + [CONTINUES] ACTION:Renato and DanBri and hhalpin to
    4. User Stories
          + Propose to have current "on-hold" use-caes around business
            merged in with the selected use-cases, so we try to see if
            each use-case has a business/developer/and user angle if
            possible when we edit them into the final document.
          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: adam to write up the boeing use case
            for enterprise social networks
          + [CONTINUES] ACTION:hhalpin to write up the social network
            data exchange story
          + ACTION: rreck to flesh out anonymous usecase connecting to
            multiple identies and null provenance
          + ACTION: Oshani to merge document takedown with time-related
            takedown "forget this in ten years" and more general
            concept of data removal.
          + ACTION: oshani to flesh out "Intransitivity of Policies
            Applied to Social Network Data"
          + ACTION: hhalpin to drop bidirectional use case
          + ACTION: hhalpin to drop "too many channels"
          + ACTION: bblfish to relabel data protection use case to be
            about controlled access and takedown to data "about" you
          + ACTION: bblfish to merge Family and Group access usecases
          + ACTION: hhalpin explain to henry and oshani doc editing
            process for usecases

      [5] tel:+1.617.761.6200;postd=swxg
      [6] tel:+;postd=swxg
      [7] tel:+44.117.370.6152;postd=swxg

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 09:35:46 UTC