apologies ...

Hello All,

Once again I apologise for not being able to make the call this week.  
I am still battling away in thesis hell ...

On 1 Sep 2009, at 12:24, Harry Halpin wrote:

> We're going to go through the rest of the use-cases tomorrow. Might be
> useful to look at the results of the poll before the meeting if you
> can, and determine if you (yes you!) wants to be the editor of the
> use-case document. Tim Anglade's already stepped up, but I think one
> more person would be ideal.
> HTML: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/weekly-agenda.html
> SWXG WG Weekly
>    1. Convene [2]SWXG WG meeting of 2009-08-26T13:00-15:00Z (See your
>       [3]local time)
>          + [4]Zakim teleconference bridge: Boston, USA:
>            [5]+1.617.761.6200 code:SWXG Nice, France:
>            [6]+ code:SWXG Bristol, UK:
>            [7]+44.117.370.6152 code:SWXG ([8]zakim calendar)
>               o supplementary IRC chat: [9]#swxg on irc.w3.org port
>                 6665
>          + chair: hhalpin
>          + scribe: Hans Constandt
>          + roll call, comments on the agenda.
>            regrets: Mischa, PeterF, DanBri
>          + PROPOSED: to approve [10]SWXG WG Weekly -- 26th August 2009
>            as a true record
>          + PROPOSED: to meet again Wed. Sept. 9th
>    2. General Organization and Task Forces
>          + Re-visit task force discussion?
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: DKA to summarize OSLO and geoLocation
>            conversation in order to spread knowledge of these efforts
>            among W3C members.
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION:Mischa to describe/implement a report of
>            terms and conditions, and how they change between now and
>            the end of the XG.
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: hhalpin to have
>            http://www.w3.org/TR/vcard-rdf would refer to the new
>            version, there will be a 'previous version' link to the
>            current one
>    3. User Stories
>          + Let's all [11]vote on the use-cases, merge them, and try to
>            narrow them down and find editors for the documents.
>          + Propose to have current "on-hold" use-caes around business
>            merged in with the selected use-cases, so we try to see if
>            each use-case has a business/developer/and user angle if
>            possible when we edit them into the final document.
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: adam to write up the boeing use case
>            for enterprise social networks
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION:hhalpin to write up the social network
>            data exchange story
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: tinkster to add user story along lines
>            of... if you enable import of contacts from other sites,
>            then it lowers the barrier to entry for new people signing
>            up at your site, hence get more users, hence get more
>            advertising revenue.
>          + [DONE] ACTION: rreck to write up use case based on shill
>            case
>    4. Invited Guest Invitations
>          + Let's have a strategy session for moving onto looking at
>            portability and formats once the use-case document is
>            done...or should we look at digital identity more first?
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: danbri to find someone from Opera to
>            talk Widgets
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION: danbri and karl to contact Evan of
>            identi.ca over OpenMicroblogging and W3C.
>          + [CONTINUES] ACTION:Renato and DanBri and hhalpin to
>            schedule DataPortability.org/XMPP
>     ___________________________________________________

Mischa Tuffield
Email: mischa.tuffield@garlik.com
Work: http://www.garlik.com/
Homepage: http://mmt.me.uk/
FOAF: http://mmt.me.uk/foaf.rdf#mischa

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 11:30:42 UTC