ACTION [DONE]: hhalpin to make agenda for TPAC Tuesday

Edit on the wiki here:

Also, in good news, in looks like Tim Berners-Lee is coming. In bad
news, the W3C does not have funding for me to go. But here's a draft
schedule. It's on the wiki, please edit, pepper, and salt-to-taste.


Let's start by focusing on "big picture" and outreach.

    * Introductions
    * Review of Social Web stack, such as Open Stack (OAuth, OpenID,
OpenSocial, PortableContacts,, OpenMicroblogging,
XRD-S, FOAF, SIOC,SMOB,and FOAF+SSL, vCard, Delivery Context Ontology,
OSLO Alliance, XRIs, XMPP, Google Wave.
    * What technologies haven't been through a standards body?
    * Is W3C process suitable for this technology? Should it change
for this work (HTML5)?
    * What parts are missing?
    * Missing: Easily extensible data (RDF?)
    * Missing: Standardized policy languages
    * Missing: Provenance
    * What kind of relationship should we have with IETF, OASIS, Open
Web Foundation, and

[edit] Afternoon:

Focus on deliverables and technologies.

    * Review of use-case document
    * Outline of final report: Who wants to edit?
    * Building from morning, what is progress with technical report?
    * Do we have XML and RDF serializations for all data formats?
    * Review of code-bases (Elgg,,
    * Does this build into a technical report and landscape document?
    * Can we get to implement any of this?
    * Hack and chat

Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 15:17:53 UTC