W3C Process: Try to finish that ACTION!


  Since I realize many of you are new to W3C Process, I'm going to
send out a brief note about how actions work in a W3C Group. Actions
are the heart of the W3C Process, it's *how* work gets done. The
general theory is that by everyone contributing a little when they
can, we can collectively do quite a bit of work.

 Actions are assigned at the meeting, and recorded in the minutes
using an upper-case ACTION. Then, our automated bot "Trackbot" tracks
when the action was assigned. See this URI [1] to see who has actions.
Ideally, everyone should try to get their actions ACTIONs complete
before the next weekly telecon, although of course people's available
time goes up and down in irregular patterns. Once you have done an
action, please tell the list in public by e-mailing
"public-xg-socialweb@w3.org" and writing "ACTION [COMPLETED] name of
action" in the title. Then I or another chair can update the agenda
and trackbot. Every meeting, we try to go through open actions and see
what their status is, and try to generate new actions that let us
accomplish our goals.

Also, sometimes you make progress but don't really finish the action
per se. In this case, it's still great to give the rest of the XG a
notice by e-mailing "ACTION [CONTINUES] name of action" with a brief
update of the state of play.

Right now we've got a lot of user-stories to write in the wiki and
some people with actions, so let's everyone get those out!

                   take care,

[1]   http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/track/

Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2009 15:36:22 UTC