Re: Pre-Telecon Introductions

Hi everyone,

I'm Phil Archer and I'm joining this group on behalf of my Greek 
employer, i-sieve Technologies. This is a spin off from the Institute of 
Informatics at the National Scientific Research Centre in Athens. We 
work for companies such as ad agencies assessing the impact of their 
campaigns by extracting data from blogs, microblogs, message boards, 
audio and video streams and, where possible, social networks. Therefore 
I'm interested in seeing what might be reasonable to expose to public view.

Before working at i-sieve I spent many years in online safety so I'm 
imbued with worries about privacy and dangerous online behaviour, 
especially by teenagers. So yes, I want social networks to be nice and 
open so we can find out what people really think about different 
products - but I also want to make sure that SNs are safe. I don't think 
there is a simple solution to this conflict but let's see...

I chair the (soon to be finished) POWDER Working Group [1] in which is 
part of the Semantic Web Activity. I was a member of the Mobile Web Best 
Practices Group from its beginning until last year and took a particular 
interest in mobileOK.

All being well my boss, Kostas Chandrinos, will also be joining the XG.

It would be invidious not to mention that when I'm not working for 
Kostas at i-sieve I am a member of the W3C team working on the Mobile 
Web Initiative.




Harry Halpin wrote:
> Please, everyone introduce yourself over the list-serv over the
> telecon. Some people  have already done so. If you could, just give
> everyone your name, your organization if you have one, and what your
> background and hopes for the Social Web XG are.
> I'm Harry Halpin, from the School of Informatics at the University of
> Edinburgh,and now W3C Fellow. My background is pretty varied in
> computer science research, mostly in statistical techniques,
> machine-learning,  and the Semantic Web. My most well-known work is on
> the dynamics of tagging systems, and I'm interested primarily in
> large-scale open standards for social network data-mining that will
> make my life as a researcher of these systems easier. However, I
> strongly believe that the user should own their own data and expicitly
> let others user it for research as needed, so I'm also very much an
> advocate for user's rights and electronic freedom and privacy. My main
> work in this XG will be really pushing us to deliver a roadmap for
> future W3C standardization in the area. Look forward to working with
> you all!


Phil Archer

i-sieve technologies                |      W3C Mobile Web Initiative
Making Sense of the Buzz            |

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2009 20:33:40 UTC