RE: metadata for social networking sites

Hello Ron and list members, 

In my community services research (focusing on mobile services, as I have
emphasized in the past), I use a standard "fact sheet" approach.

I am pasting below what I have in a Microsoft Word template (so I've lost
the formatting in this memo) but which might, for the purposes of the SWXG
be sampled from and converted into a form or table on a wiki page.

My research captures the following metadata about communities: 

Name of the Service: 

Date service launched (could be multiple launches if different geographies):

Short Description: [text approximately 200 words]

Segment (please see separate memo about segmentation):

-------  Features ---------
Service name	
-------  Basic Services	---------
Network-client technology approach	Runtime handset application? xHTML?
Both? Other?
Support for Device Detection and Management 	Yes or No (If yes, this
probably means that mobile is supported)
Discovery	How does the new user discover the service? Is this designed
for operator deck, off-deck or both?
Single sign-on	Provide some details (I guess this is where the Open ID or
Facebook Connect would be captured)
Browse the community	w/ or w/out registration? (choose one or both)
Privacy controls	Does the platform support blacklisting/blocking?
                        Private profile ("secret status" for user-defined
groups of friends only)?
---------  Messaging Services (asynchornous communications)  ---------
Notifications	Internal community messages? SMS? In application/service
mailbox? Other?
Cross community alerts? Which?
Commenting (text) or post on profiles or social media of others	Yes or No?
If yes, how? SMS? WAP
Voice recording (audio note)	Upload/publish from phone? If yes, how
Viewing? If yes, download or streaming?
Photo Upload	If yes, how? E-mail, MMS, WAP, Application Push, other?
Photo Viewing	If yes, download or WAP or browsing (embedded in page)?
Video Upload/Publish	If yes, how? E-mail, MMS, WAP, Application Push,
UGC Video Viewing	If yes, download or streaming?
Video catalog support	If yes, is there support for search?
Twitter integration?         Yes or No
Moderated social media	If yes, in-house or via partner?
Moderated text posts	If yes, in-house or via partner?
Rating	Rate people? Yes (then remove the "?") if No, delete those which do
not apply
Rate places? 
Rate content? 
Tell (invite, recommend) a friend 	
Digital gifting	If yes, what is the currency?

--------- Real Time Services  ---------	
Chat	Public (group), private (one-to-one) or both
Events (time sensitive attraction)	
Mood indicator	
Status (presence) indicator	If yes, what are the user status options?
Launch a voice call	
Launch a video call	
Music streaming	
Location-enabled services	Internally developed/operated or third party
(is this a Google Maps mash up?)?
	                                    Features: find friends? 
                                                show posts/messages on map? 
--------------  Community Metrics  ---------------------
Number of registered users (as of last measure):

Page impressions per month:

Average User Session Time (as of last measure):

Geographic coverage (emphasis on any countries or regions): 

----------------  Business model(s)   ------------------
Describe how you monetize your community. 

It may be with one strategy or a blend of strategies. For example:
free registration with fee for premium features
corporate sponsorships
advertiser-sponsored (free to user)
transactions in the community (transactions may be for digital goods,
digital services, physical goods, or physical services) If transactions are
supported, who is the billing partner?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Ronald P. Reck
> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 3:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: metadata for social networking sites
> Upon looking at the list of social networking sites listed on 
> the wiki, I wondered if the list would benefit from 
> additional metadata. I thought of these types off the top of 
> my head...
> orientation: business / entertainment / mobile
> authentication type: openID or others
> number of users: yeah I am sure knowing this is impossible
> year/date of inception
> whether there is any form of development API to extend its usefulness
> supports pictures or other data types?
> revenue model: advertisements?
> number of words in their legal documents...
>      privacy terms
>      terms of use
>      (like do they take this seriously?)
> --
> ----------------
> Ronald P. Reck
> Direct Line 	(360) 488-1082

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 15:04:01 UTC