Re: Is a Perfect Storm Forming For Distributed Social Networking?

On 12 Aug 2009, at 10:46, Dave Raggett wrote:
> One of the challenges for distributed social networking is dealing  
> with sudden hotspots where a huge spike of interest in a single  
> person causes the server that hosts that person's profile to falter  
> under the load. This suggests the value for applying peer to peer  
> techniques to dynamically distributing the load across many  
> machines. Peer to peer techniques can also help to sustain  
> performance for search by distributing the processing across many  
> machines.

Yes, though I think it should be very rare. Cloud computing solutions  
should be able to deal with such situations quite well. In Social  
Netoworks I think it is very rare than one person garners so much  
visibility that a simple server would get overloaded. Easier than  
changing the protocols for such a situation is to simply upgrade your  
service contract for a period.


Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 09:42:17 UTC