- From: ashok malhotra <ashok.malhotra@oracle.com>
- Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:35:10 -0700
- To: "Ezzat, Ahmed" <Ahmed.Ezzat@hp.com>
- CC: "public-xg-rdb2rdf@w3.org" <public-xg-rdb2rdf@w3.org>
Hello Ahmed: Thank you for starting this thread. In my view, there are situations where you want to translate the data to RDF and then store it and query it but, if the data is very large and/or changes frequently a better approach is to leave the data in the native database and create a virtual RDF representation for it -- which I call a semantic cover. The semantic cover can then be queried with SPARQL and the SPARQL queries translated to queries over the native databases. It should also be possible to enrich the semantic cover with additional semantics but exactly how this would be done needs to be worked out. A recommendation that our XG may want to make to the W3C is to start work on a language that would map relational data to RDF. The mapping may be used to translate the data to RDF and store it in a RDF database or it could be used to create a virtual mapping as discussed above. We have heard a number of presentations on quick default mappings of Relational data to RDF. But we also need the ability to customize these mappings and add additional semantics. This approach starts with the Relational database schema. An alternative approach may be to create an ontology first and then create (distributed) SQL queries to answer questions about the ontologies. Ahmed, does that cover what you had in mind? All, please respond to this note so we can start coming to a shared understanding as to what we should recommend to the W3C. All the best, Ashok Ezzat, Ahmed wrote: > Hello, > This is a question that I would be interested in hearing your reaction > and views about. > In a multiple data sources environment where some of them are huge > like data warehouses, it seems like transforming all data sources into > RDF then querying that RDF store using SPARQL is going to put too much > pressure on the RDF store beyond reasonable. In addition all changes > in these data sources need to be reflected in the RDF store as soon as > possible. In the above paragraph I am ignoring the notion of local and > domain Ontologies. > An alternative I am exploring is to decompose the user query into set > of subqueries (SQL and Search) operations to the relevant data sources > (i.e., context) ŕ transform the results into RDF using local > Ontologies then resolve differences using the domain ontology ŕ apply > the SPARQL query on the union of the RDF graphs after reconciliation. > Even this approach is far better from RDF storage point of view (i.e., > scalability), it seems like response time can be less than desirable? > Comments and thoughts including additional alternatives… > Regards, > Ahmed > /*Ahmed K. Ezzat, Ph.D.*//* */ > *HP Fellow*, *Business Intelligence Software Division > **Hewlett-Packard Corporation** * > 19333 Vallco Parkway, MS 4502, Cupertino, CA 95014-2599* > **Office*: *Email*: _Ahmed.Ezzat@hp.com_ <mailto:Ahmed.Ezzat@hp.com> > *Tel*: 408-285-6022 *Fax*: 408-285-1430 > *Personal*: *Email*: _AhmedEzzat@aol.com_ <mailto:AhmedEzzat@aol.com> > *Tel*: 408-253-5062 *Fax*: 408-253-6271 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >
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